Chapter Recognition and Standards of Excellence Program (2024)

The mission of Fraternity and Sorority Life at Penn State is to be a safe, civil, and civically engaged extension of campus co-curricular life. At the core of the sorority and fraternity experience are the values of sisterhood/brotherhood/siblinghood, scholastic achievement, service/philanthropy, and leadership. As a values-based fraternal community, we seek to connect students to organizations that align with their personal values as well as the values of Penn State University. The Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life at Penn State has established the Chapter Recognition and Standards of Excellence Program to support the chapter in the yearly planning process, maximize the progress the chapter can make throughout the year, add consistent infrastructure, and increase the sustainability of social fraternities and sororities on campus along with acknowledging their achievements throughout the year.

  • Students can access the rubric and forms through SharePoint.

Chapter Recognition and Standards of Excellence Program Guidelines

The OFSL is dedicated to supporting organizations to meet the recognition requirements and achieve success through the Standards of Excellence. Toward that end, the OFSL will provide the following:

Leadership Development and Educational Programming

  • Membership Experience programs for first and second semester members that acclimate them to the fraternity and sorority community and communicate expectations and aspirations of fraternity and sorority membership.
  • Leadership development programming to provide aspiring and current leaders with vital skills and knowledge to become have a positive impact on Penn State and beyond
  • New officer training to provide foundational knowledge and expectations to better prepare new officers to lead their chapters and councils

Guidance and Accountability

  • Advising, support, and guidance for the four governing councils, Order of Omega, Greek Sing, Greek Week, and other community initiatives, as appropriate
  • Advising and support for individual organization success
  • Oversight of the organizational conduct process of each of the four governing councils, in collaboration with the Office of Student Accountability and Conflict Response
  • Semesterly review of chapter recognition and annually review of achievement in Standards of Excellence


  • Liaison and referrals to other campus offices and departments that may assist chapters in providing programming and developmental opportunities for members
  • Communication regarding programming, outreach, service, and philanthropic opportunities throughout the year

Promotion and Recognition

  • Recognition of chapters who are meeting or exceeding focus areas, as well as implementing improvement plans to support those who struggle in different focus areas
  • Publicizing a report each semester (February & June) highlighting important aspects of each organization at Penn State and its achievement in Standards of Excellence
  • Advertising the collective accomplishments of the community, as well as individual initiatives, as appropriate

At the end of each semester, chapter activity will be reviewed and evaluated by the OFSL. The OFSL will determine the progress and achievement of each chapter in all focus areas at the end of each spring semester, as well as the overall standing of each chapter at the end of each fall semester. Chapter leaders and advisors will receive a mid-year report in June each year and a final report in February each year. OFSL coaches will meet with each chapter president and chapter advisor to discuss the organization’s successes, areas for growth, and accountability measures.

All chapters are responsible for reporting the Recognition Requirements and their activities and achievements by the deadlines established in this document or communicated by the OFSL. Chapters are encouraged to report their activities as they occur to ensure all activities are reported accurately. However, at minimum, reports must be submitted by the deadlines articulated.

Chapters must comply with all provisions of the Recognition Requirements articulated in this document to be considered a recognized student organization. In addition, chapters that exceed all targets in any of the ten focus categories (i.e. Academic Achievement, Alumni Engagement, Campus and Community Involvement, Civic Engagement, Council Involvement, Education and Learning, Financial Stewardship, Health and Safety, Leadership Development, and Membership Development) will be considered for recognition of excellence in that area. Chapters that meet standards across six or more focus areas will be recognized for Standards Achievement. Chapters that exceed standards across six or more focus areas will be recognized as Chapters of Excellence. Conversely, chapters that fail to meet the majority of focus areas will meet with staff from the OFSL to evaluate and enact appropriate improvement or accountability measures.

For a chapter to be a recognized organization through the OFSL and at the University, the chapter must update and provide information to the office each semester. Recognition requirements include:

Item to be SubmittedMethod of SubmissionTimeframe of Submission
Chapter Certificate of InsuranceOrgCentral FormAnnually by expiration date on the certificate
Organization Re-RegistrationOrgCentral Re-registration

Spring: February 11

Fall: October 7

Member/Officer Roster Update (any changes to members, new members, officers, and advisors)OrgCentral Form

Spring Roster 1: January 7

Spring Roster 2: April 29

Fall Roster 1: August 21

Fall Roster 2: December 13

Signed Statement of Relationship by all MembersOrgCentral Form (Pre-Recruitment)Collected by OFSL upon joining at the organization

Failure to update or provide required information with the OFSL by the designated deadline will result in the organization being placed on a ‘frozen’ status. Organizations that are ‘frozen’ lose organization privileges, such as the ability to register or host social activities, book rooms on campus, utilize campus facilities, and participate in campus-sponsored events and programs.

Members of the fraternity and sorority community at Penn State will strive for excellence in their academic endeavors. Organizations will provide support for the academic achievement of chapter members to ensure their individual and collective intellectual development and academic success. The following standards will be used to evaluate each chapter’s progress toward excellence in academic achievement.

  • Statistics:
    • 2023 % Community Meets/Exceeds: 50.7%
    • Exceeds Standard
      • Alpha Delta Pi
      • Alpha Rho Chi
      • Delta Gamma
      • Kappa Alpha Theta
      • Phi Kappa Theta
      • Phi Sigma Sigma
      • Pi Beta Phi
      • Theta Delta Chi
      • Zeta Tau Alpha
    • 2023 % Each Council Meets/Exceeds
      • Interfraternity Council (IFC): 50%
      • Multicultural Greek Council (MGC): 33.3%
      • National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC): 16.7%
      • Panhellenic Council (PHC): 70%
StandardNeeds ImprovementMeets StandardExceeds Standard
Chapter GPA at or above peer groupaverage*Below peer group averageAt peer group averageExceeds peer group average
Chapter New Member GPA at or above peer average*Below peer group averageAt peer group averageExceeds peer group average
Chapter GPA at or above Council averageBelow Council averageAt Council averageAbove Council average
Academic Achievement PlanChapter does not submit or implement an Academic Achievement PlanChapter submits and implements an Academic Achievement Plan and reports their progressChapter submits and implements an Academic Achievement Plan that challenges members to strive for academic success, provides scholastic support, and recognizes improvement and excellence in academic performance and reports their progress
*Sororities will be compared to the all-women’s GPA. Fraternities will be compared to the all-men’s GPA. Organizations that have mixed gender membership will be compared to the all-undergraduate GPA. Organizations that have a racial or ethnic interest will be compared to the gender and race of their peer group for this assessment.


Each chapter must submit the following to the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life:

Items to be SubmittedMethod of SubmissionTimeframe of Submission
Academic Achievement PlanOrgCentral FormMarch 1

Members in the fraternity and sorority community will participate in activities that allow them to become positively engaged in and give back to their local, state, national, and global communities. This includes involvement in community service, service-learning, and philanthropic activities. The following standards will be used to evaluate each chapter’s progress toward excellence in civic engagement.

  • Statistics:
    • 2023 % Community Meets/Exceeds: 24.6%
    • Exceeds Standard
      • Alpha Kappa Delta Phi International Sorority, Inc.
      • Delta Phi Epsilon
      • Delta Zeta
      • Kappa Kappa Gamma
      • Lambda Theta Alpha
      • Phi Sigma Sigma
    • 2023 % Each Council Meets/Exceeds
      • Interfraternity Council (IFC): 2.8%
      • Multicultural Greek Council (MGC): 66.7%
      • National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC): 0%
      • Panhellenic Council (PHC): 60%
StandardNeeds ImprovementMeets StandardExceeds Standard
Chapter members participate in hands-on community service opportunities*Average number of hours per chapter member is less than 10 hours per yearAverage number of hours per chapter member is between 10-12 hours per year with more than 75% of the membership actively volunteeringAverage number of hours per chapter members is more than 12 hours per year with more than 75% of the membership actively volunteering
Chapter collectively engages in community service projects*Chapter does not engage in community service projects with more than 50% of the membership actively volunteeringChapter engages in at least 1 community service project with more than 50% of the membership actively volunteeringChapter engages in education and reflection prior to and following community service projects to enhance members' sense of civic responsibility and understanding of other identities and cultures
Chapter members raise money or goods to donate to worthwhile cauesAverage number of dollars raised per chapter member is less than $20 per yearAverage number of dollars raised per chapter member is between $20-$25 per year with more than 75% of the membership actively participatingAverage number of dollars raised per chapter member is more than $25 per year with more than 75% of the membership actively participating
Chapter collectively implements philanthropic events and develops goals for funds raised+Chapter does not implement philanthropic events in which more than 50% of the membership raises money or goodsChapter implements at least 1 philanthropic event in which more than 50% of the membership raises money or goodsChapter engages in education and reflection prior to and following philanthropy events to enhance members' sense of civic responsibility and understanding of other identities and cultures
*Working or attending a philanthropy event does not qualify as community service hours. Community service is active participation and hands-on interactions with organizations or individuals that benefit from your time, allowing you to make a connection between yourself, the skills you offer, and the needs of the community.
+Participating in or attending a philanthropy event does not qualify. Fraternities and sororities must sponsor and host an event that raises money for a worthwhile cause outside of THON


Each chapter must submit the following to the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life:

Items to be SubmittedMethod of SubmissionTimeframe of Submission
Community Service HoursOrgCentral FormApril 26 and December 13
Money or Goods RaisedOrgCentral FormApril 26 and December 13
Program EvaluationsOrgCentral FormApril 26 and December 13

Members in the fraternity and sorority community will participate in activities that allow them to become positively engaged in and give back to their local, state, national, and global communities. This includes involvement in community service, service-learning, and philanthropic activities. The following standards will be used to evaluate each chapter’s progress toward excellence in civic engagement.

  • Statistics:
    • 2023 % Community Meets/Exceeds: 24.6%
    • Exceeds Standard
      • Alpha Kappa Delta Phi International Sorority, Inc.
      • Delta Phi Epsilon
      • Delta Zeta
      • Kappa Kappa Gamma
      • Lambda Theta Alpha
      • Phi Sigma Sigma
    • 2023 % Each Council Meets/Exceeds
      • Interfraternity Council (IFC): 2.8%
      • Multicultural Greek Council (MGC): 66.7%
      • National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC): 0%
      • Panhellenic Council (PHC): 60%
StandardNeeds ImprovementMeets StandardExceeds Standard
Chapter members participate in hands-on community service opportunities*Average number of hours per chapter member is less than 10 hours per yearAverage number of hours per chapter member is between 10-12 hours per year with more than 75% of the membership actively volunteeringAverage number of hours per chapter members is more than 12 hours per year with more than 75% of the membership actively volunteering
Chapter collectively engages in community service projects*Chapter does not engage in community service projects with more than 50% of the membership actively volunteeringChapter engages in at least 1 community service project with more than 50% of the membership actively volunteeringChapter engages in education and reflection prior to and following community service projects to enhance members' sense of civic responsibility and understanding of other identities and cultures
Chapter members raise money or goods to donate to worthwhile cauesAverage number of dollars raised per chapter member is less than $20 per yearAverage number of dollars raised per chapter member is between $20-$25 per year with more than 75% of the membership actively participatingAverage number of dollars raised per chapter member is more than $25 per year with more than 75% of the membership actively participating
Chapter collectively implements philanthropic events and develops goals for funds raised+Chapter does not implement philanthropic events in which more than 50% of the membership raises money or goodsChapter implements at least 1 philanthropic event in which more than 50% of the membership raises money or goodsChapter engages in education and reflection prior to and following philanthropy events to enhance members' sense of civic responsibility and understanding of other identities and cultures
*Working or attending a philanthropy event does not qualify as community service hours. Community service is active participation and hands-on interactions with organizations or individuals that benefit from your time, allowing you to make a connection between yourself, the skills you offer, and the needs of the community.
+Participating in or attending a philanthropy event does not qualify. Fraternities and sororities must sponsor and host an event that raises money for a worthwhile cause outside of THON


Each chapter must submit the following to the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life:

Items to be SubmittedMethod of SubmissionTimeframe of Submission
Community Service HoursOrgCentral FormApril 26 and December 13
Money or Goods RaisedOrgCentral FormApril 26 and December 13
Program EvaluationsOrgCentral FormApril 26 and December 13

Members in the fraternity and sorority community will participate in activities that allow them to become positively engaged in and give back to their local, state, national, and global communities. This includes involvement in community service, service-learning, and philanthropic activities. The following standards will be used to evaluate each chapter’s progress toward excellence in civic engagement.

  • Statistics:
    • 2023 % Community Meets/Exceeds: 24.6%
    • Exceeds Standard
      • Alpha Kappa Delta Phi International Sorority, Inc.
      • Delta Phi Epsilon
      • Delta Zeta
      • Kappa Kappa Gamma
      • Lambda Theta Alpha
      • Phi Sigma Sigma
    • 2023 % Each Council Meets/Exceeds
      • Interfraternity Council (IFC): 2.8%
      • Multicultural Greek Council (MGC): 66.7%
      • National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC): 0%
      • Panhellenic Council (PHC): 60%
StandardNeeds ImprovementMeets StandardExceeds Standard
Chapter members participate in hands-on community service opportunities*Average number of hours per chapter member is less than 10 hours per yearAverage number of hours per chapter member is between 10-12 hours per year with more than 75% of the membership actively volunteeringAverage number of hours per chapter members is more than 12 hours per year with more than 75% of the membership actively volunteering
Chapter collectively engages in community service projects*Chapter does not engage in community service projects with more than 50% of the membership actively volunteeringChapter engages in at least 1 community service project with more than 50% of the membership actively volunteeringChapter engages in education and reflection prior to and following community service projects to enhance members' sense of civic responsibility and understanding of other identities and cultures
Chapter members raise money or goods to donate to worthwhile cauesAverage number of dollars raised per chapter member is less than $20 per yearAverage number of dollars raised per chapter member is between $20-$25 per year with more than 75% of the membership actively participatingAverage number of dollars raised per chapter member is more than $25 per year with more than 75% of the membership actively participating
Chapter collectively implements philanthropic events and develops goals for funds raised+Chapter does not implement philanthropic events in which more than 50% of the membership raises money or goodsChapter implements at least 1 philanthropic event in which more than 50% of the membership raises money or goodsChapter engages in education and reflection prior to and following philanthropy events to enhance members' sense of civic responsibility and understanding of other identities and cultures
*Working or attending a philanthropy event does not qualify as community service hours. Community service is active participation and hands-on interactions with organizations or individuals that benefit from your time, allowing you to make a connection between yourself, the skills you offer, and the needs of the community.
+Participating in or attending a philanthropy event does not qualify. Fraternities and sororities must sponsor and host an event that raises money for a worthwhile cause outside of THON


Each chapter must submit the following to the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life:

Items to be SubmittedMethod of SubmissionTimeframe of Submission
Community Service HoursOrgCentral FormApril 26 and December 13
Money or Goods RaisedOrgCentral FormApril 26 and December 13
Program EvaluationsOrgCentral FormApril 26 and December 13

Fraternities and sororities are most successful when they maintain positive and supportive relationships with chapters across all four fraternity and sorority governing councils at Penn State. The University believes that fraternities and sororities should collaborate with their inter/national organizations and actively participate in their respective governing council. The following standards will be used to evaluate each chapter’s progress toward excellence in council involvement.

  • Statistics:
    • 2023 % Community Meets/Exceeds: 15.9%
    • Exceeds Standard
      • N/A
    • 2023 % Each Council Meets/Exceeds
      • Interfraternity Council (IFC): 0%
      • Multicultural Greek Council (MGC): 33%
      • National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC): 0%
      • Panhellenic Council (PHC): 45%
StandardNeeds ImprovementMeets StandardExceeds Standard
Chapter is recognized and maintains good standing with a governing council (IFC, MGC, NPHC, PHC)*Chapter is not in good standing with governing councilChapter is in good standing with a governing councilChapter is considered a model organization among its peers based on criteria outlined by a governing council
Chapter participates in events with each governing council and/or chapters from each governing council+Chapter does not participate in events with each governing council and/or chapters from each governing councilChapter engages in at least 4 events, 1 with each governing council and/or chapters from each governing council, with 100% of its membershipChapter engages in at least 4 events, 1 with each governing council and/or chapters from each governing council, with 200% of its membership participating
*Governing councils will provide documentation of chapter standing at the end of each semester
+Events involving alcohol or recruitment/intake are excluded


Items to be SubmittedMethod of SubmissionTimeframe of Submission
Program EvaluationsOrgCentral FormApril 29 and December 9

Fraternities and sororities at Penn State will enhance their members’ individual and personal development by providing high-impact experiences and learning opportunities. These activities should promote leadership, self-awareness, teamwork, critical thinking, cultural competence, creativity, and intellectual growth. The following standards will be used to evaluate each chapter’s progress toward excellence in education and learning.

  • Statistics:
    • 2023 % Community Meets/Exceeds: 7.2%
    • Exceeds Standard
      • N/A
    • 2023% Each Council Meets/Exceeds
      • Interfraternity Council (IFC): 5.6%
      • Multicultural Greek Council (MGC): 50%
      • National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC): 0%
      • Panhellenic Council (PHC): 5%
StandardNeeds ImprovementMeets StandardExceeds Standard
Chapter engages in educational programs addressing diversity and inclusion, hazing, mental health and wellness, sexual violence prevention, alcohol and other drugs, healthy relationships, values alignment, accountability, or bystander intervention*Chapter engages in less than 3 educational programs with more than 50% of the membership actively participatingChapter engages in 3-5 educational programs with more than 50% of the membership actively participatingChapter engages in 6 or more educational programs with more than 50% of the membership participating
Engagement in First Semester of Membership Experience sponsored by the OFSL (New Member Academy, Sexual Violence Prevention, Alcohol Skills Training Education, and PreventZone Brave and Bold Dialogues)Less than 100% of the chapter's first semester members completed required First Semester of Membership Experience Canvas modules100% of the chapter's first semester members completed required First Semester of Membership Experience Canvas modulesN/A
Engagement in Second Semester of Membership Experience sponsored by the OFSL (PreventZone Hazing Prevention 101, PreventZone Fraternity and Sorority Life Module, Social Identities Peer Education, Inclusive Leadership, Ethical and Responsible Decision-Making)Less than 100% of the chapter's second semester members completed required Second Semester of Membership Experience Canvas modules100% of the chapter's second semester members completed required Second Semester of Membership Experience Canvas modulesChapter members serve as peer facilitators for Second Semester of Membership Social Identities Education
*Educational programs fulfilling University or inter/national organization sanctions for misconduct or policy violations are excluded


Each chapter must submit the following to the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life:

Items to be SubmittedMethod of SubmissionTimeframe of Submission
Program EvaluationsOrgCentral FormApril 26 and December 13
First Semester of Membership Experience CompletionCanvasCollected by OFSL
Second Semester of Membership Experience CompletionCanvasCollected by OFSL

Fraternities and sororities are most successful when they employ sound financial practices that reflect stewardship and create transparency. As a result, members are able to evaluate their membership experience and return on investment. The following standards will be used to evaluate each chapter’s progress toward excellence in financial stewardship.

  • Statistics:
    • 2023 % Community Meets/Exceeds: 39.1%
    • Exceeds Standard
      • alpha Kappa Delta Phi International Sorority, Inc.
      • Phi Sigma Rho
      • Sigma Sigma Sigma
    • 2023 % Each Council Meets/Exceeds
      • Interfraternity Council (IFC): 22.2%
      • Multicultural Greek Council (MGC): 66.7%
      • National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC): 16.7%
      • Panhellenic Council (PHC): 70%
StandardNeeds ImprovementMeets StandardExceeds Standard
Chapter prepares a budget to present to its membership and advisor for approval*Chapter does not submit evidence of a prepared budgetChapter submits evidence of a prepared budget approved by its membership and advisorChapter submits evidence of prepared budget that is approved by its membership and advisor and considers the organization's stewardship and members' return on investment
Chapter conducts a mid-year assessment, evaluating its financial successes and failures+Chapter does not conduct a mid-year assessmentChapter conducts and submits evidence of a mid-year assessmentChapter conducts and submits evidence of a mid-year assessment that considers and reflects on the organization's stewardship and members' return on investment
Chapter conducts a year-end assessment, evaluating its financial successes and failures+Chapter does not conduct a year-end assessmentChapter conducts and submits evidence of a year-end assessmentChapter conducts and submits evidence of ayear-end assessment that considers and reflects on the organization's stewardship and members' return on investment
Chapter hosts fundraisers to supplement chapter finances and increase member accessibilityChapter does not host fundraisersChapter hosts and evaluates at least 1 fundraiserChapter hosts and evaluates 2 or more fundraisers
*Appropriate evidence includes a prepared chapter budget and/or a letter confirming approval of the prepared budget by chapter membership signed by the chapter advisor. Concerning line items may result in further conversations with your OFSL chapter coach
+Appropriate evidence includes official chapter expense reports and/or a written analysis signed by the chapter advisor


Each chapter must submit the following to the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life:

Items to be SubmittedMethods of SubmissionTimeframe of Submission
Chapter BudgetOrgCentral FormMarch 1
Chapter Budget AssessmentOrgCentral FormApril 26 and December 13
Program EvaluationsOrgCentral FormApril 26 and December 13

Members of the fraternity and sorority community at Penn State shall comply with risk management policies set forth by the University and their inter/national organization. Fraternities and sororities have a responsibility to create and maintain safe, constructive, and positive spaces for their members and guests. Organizations that are placed on conduct probation during the calendar year due to misconduct or policy violations will automatically be issued a ‘needs improvement’ rating for the health and safety focus area. The following standards will be used to evaluate each chapter’s progress toward excellence in chapter health and safety.

  • Statistics:
    • 2023 % Community Meets/Exceeds: 42%
    • Exceeds Standard
      • N/A
    • 2023 % Each Council Meets/Exceeds
      • Interfraternity Council (IFC): 41.7%
      • Multicultural Greek Council (MGC): 50%
      • National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC): 33.3%
      • Panhellenic Council (PHC):45%
StandardNeeds ImprovementMeets StandardsExceeds Standards
Risk Management and Safety Plan*Chapter does not submit or implement a Risk Management and Safety PlanChapter submits and implements a Risk Management and Safety Plan and reports their progressChapter submits and implements a Risk Management and Safety Plan that includes intervention strategies based on the PREFF model and reports their progress
Engagement in required Risk Management/Event Planning programs sponsored by the OFSL/OFSC+Chapter is not represented at required Risk Management/Event Planning programsChapter is represented by required members and officers at Risk Management/Event Planning programsChapter members serve as student facilitators for Risk Management/Event Planning programs
Engagement in the 3 Health and Safety Modules sponsored by the OFSL and OFSC (Risk Mitigation Training, Event Monitor Training, De-Escalation Training)Less than 25% of the chapter completed all 3 Health and Safety Canvas ModulesAt least 25% of the chapter completed all 3 Health and Safety Canvas ModulesAt least 50% of the chapter completed al 3 Health and Safety Canvas Modules
Chapter encourages members to participate in cumulative programs or serve as peer educators for health and safety prevention efforts (ex. Greeks Care, HealthWorks, Men Against Violence, Peers Helping Reaffirm, Education, and Empower-PHREE)Chapter has partial or no participation in cumulative prevention programs5% of the chapter or 1 member (whichever is larger) participates in cumulative prevention programChapter members serve as peer educators for a cumulative prevention program
*Chapters are not permitted to register or host social activities until an acceptable Risk Management and Safety Plan is submitted and approved by the OFSC
+Officer absences due to scheduling or academic commitments must be excused by the OFSL, in writing, at least 2 weeks prior to the program. Officer absences due to family or medical emergencies must be excused by the OFSL, in writing, at least 24 hours prior to the program. Failure to achieve full participation each semester may impact the organization's status


Each chapter must submit the following to the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life and Office of Fraternity and Sorority Compliance:

Items to be SubmittedMethod of SubmissionTimeframe of Submission
Risk Management and Safety PlanOrgCentral Form

Spring: February 1

Fall: September 9

Risk Management/Event Planning Program AttendanceOrgCentral Involvement and CanvasCollected by OFSL and OFSC
Health and Safety Module CompletionCanvasCollected by OFSL and OFSC
Membership Involvement ListOrgCentral FormApril 26 and December 13

Fraternities and sororities at Penn State will foster leadership potential within their members throughout all stages of their academic career by providing and encouraging meaningful experiences locally and inter/nationally. These activities should promote integrity, responsible and ethical decision-making, and setting an example for others. The following standards will be used to evaluate each chapter’s progress toward excellence in leadership development.

  • Statistics:
    • 2023 % Community Meets/Exceeds: 34.8%
    • Exceeds Standard
      • Delta Gamma
      • Phi Kappa Sigma
      • Sigma Kappa
    • 2023 % Each Council Meets/Exceeds
      • Interfraternity Council (IFC): 19.4%
      • Multicultural Greek Council (MGC): 66.7%
      • National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC): 0%
      • Panhellenic Council (PHC): 65%
StandardNeeds ImprovementMeets StandardExceeds Standard
Engagement in Chapter Officer Transition Experience sponsored by the OFSL (Logistics and Planning, Vision and Goal Setting, Teambuilding and Expectations, Officer Goals)Less than 80% of the incoming executive board completes the Chapter Officer Transition Experience Canvas Modules and submits officer goals80% of the incoming executive board completes the Chapter Officer Transition Experience Canvas Modules and submits officer goals100% of the incoming executive board completes the Chapter Officer Transition Experience Canvas Modules and submits officer goals
Officer Transitions*Chapter does not plan or implement a retreat or meeting for newly elected officers to be properly transitioned by outgoing officersChapter plans and implements a retreat or meeting for newly elected officers to be properly transitioned by outgoing officersChapter plans and implements a retreat or meeting for newly elected officers to be properly transitioned by outgoing officers that includes engagement in mid-range (3-5 years) chapter planning and goal setting
Engagement in officer training programs sponsored by the OFSL and OFSC (Spring Leadership Kickoff, Fall Leadership Kickoff, Caring/Compassion/Mindfulness training)+Chapter has partial or no participation in officer training programsChapter has full participation in officer training programsN/A
Engagement in leadership development retreats sponsored by the OFSL (Emerging Leaders Retreat, Summer Leadership Institute)*Chapter is not represented at leadership development retreatsChapter is represented by members at leadership development retreatsChapter members apply for or serve as peer facilitators at leadership development retreats
Engagement in leadership programs or business meetings sponsored by the chapter's inter/national or regional organization (Officer Training, Convention, Conclave, Regional Conference, etc.)Chapter is not represented at an inter/national or regional leadership program or business meetingAt least 1 chapter member attended an inter/national or regional program or business meetingChapter hosts at least 1 inter/national or regional program or business meeting or sends more than the minimum number of representatives
*Chapter advisors, graduate chapter members, regional representatives, or inter/national representatives should be involved in officer transition activities. In addition, officers should collectively prepare goals to move the chapter towards excellence as defined by the University and their inter/national organization.
+Officer or member absences due to scheduling or academic commitments must be excused by the OFSL, in writing, at least 2 weeks prior to the program. Officer or member absences due to family or medical emergencies must be excused by the OFSL, in writing, at least 24 hours prior to the program. As a reminder, many inter/national organizations offer scholarships to members interested in attend regional or national leadership programs outside of OFSL or their respective inter/national organization.


Each chapter must submit the following to the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life and Office of Fraternity and Sorority Compliance:

Items to be SubmittedMethod of SubmissionTimeframe of Submission
Chapter Officer Transition Experience CompletionCanvasCollected by OFSL
Program EvaluationsOrgCentral FormApril 29 and December 9
Officer Trainings AttendanceOrgCentral InvolvementCollected by OFSL
Leadership Development Retreats AttendanceOrgCentral InvolvementCollected by OFSL

Members of the fraternity and sorority community will participate in activities that allow them to develop the knowledge, skills, and dispositions to become well-rounded and civically-engaged. Chapter leadership will work with their members to identify appropriate opportunities for growth and development. The following standards will be used to evaluate each chapter’s progress toward excellence in membership development.

  • Statistics:
    • 2023 % Community Meets/Exceeds: 73.9%
    • Exceeds Standard
      • N/A
    • 2023 % Each Council Meets/Exceeds
      • Interfraternity Council (IFC): 75%
      • Multicultural Greek Council (MGC): 83.3%
      • National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC): 33.3%
      • Panhellenic Council (PHC): 85%
StandardNeeds ImprovementMeets StandardExceeds Standard
Engagement in recruitment or intake strategy education sponsored by the OFSL (Recruitment/Intake Officers Training, General Member Training)Chapter has partial or no participation in recruitment or intake strategy education programsChapter has full participation in recruitment or intake strategy programsN/A
Recruitment Plan*Chapter does not submit or implement a Recruitment PlanChapter submits and implements a Recruitment Plan and reports their progressChapter submits and implements a Recruitment Plan that includes proactive, intentional activities that focus on building authentic relationships with prospective members and reports their progress
First Semester of Membership Plan**Chapter does not submit or implement a First Semester of Membership PlanChapter submits and implements a First Semester of Membership Plan and reports their progressChapter submits and implements a First Semester of Membership Plan that includes new member goal setting and reports their progress
Membership Development PlanChapter does not submit or implement a Membership Development PlanChapter submits and implements a Membership Development Plan and reports their progressChapter submits and implements a Membership Development Plan that includes strategies to increase member retention and address member development across all years of their college experience and reports their progress
Chapter hosts or supports activities that promote brotherhood/sisterhood and spending quality time with other members (ex. intramural teams, chapter retreats, movie nights)+Chapter does not engage in brotherhood/sisterhood activitiesChapter engages in and evaluates at least 2 brotherhood/sisterhood activitiesChapter engages in and evaluates at least 2 brotherhood/sisterhood activities that include a discussion of how members define brotherhood/sisterhood and what expectations they have of one another
*Submitted plans should comply with inter/national policies and include activities and experiences that are meaningful, positive, safe, and constructive. Chapters are not permitted to conduct recruitment activities until an acceptable Recruitment Plan is submitted and approved by the OFSL each semester.
**Submitted plans should comply with inter/national policies and be conducive to strong academic performance of all new members. Included activities and experiences should be meaningful, positive, safe, and constructive. Chapters are not permitted to conduct new member activities until an acceptable First Semester of Membership Plan is submitted and approved by the OFSL each semester.
+Activities must be ‘members-only’ to qualify. Formal and informal interactions are appropriate. Mandatory chapter meetings or events and events involving alcohol are excluded. Semester-long events, such as intramural teams, only need to be documented once each semester.


Each chapter must submit the following to the Officer of Fraternity and Sorority Life:

Items to be SubmittedMethod of SubmissionTimeframe of Submission
Recruitment or Intake Strategy Education AttendanceOrgCentral InvolvementCollected by OFSL
Recruitment PlanOrgCentral Form

Spring: December 8

Fall: April 26

First Semester of Membership PlanOrgCentral Form

Spring : January 19

Fall: September 2

Membership Development PlanOrgCentral FormMarch 1
Program EvaluationsOrgCentral FormApril 26 and December 13

Improvement and accountability measures are intended to provide support and guidance for chapters that are not meeting a majority of the targets in one or more of the focus areas. The following table provides an overview of the action a chapter should expect:

Target DeficiencyCorrective Action
Deficiency in 1-4 focus areasChapter works with their OFSL coach to create a recovery plan addressing area(s) of deficiency
Deficiency in 5 or more focus areas*Chapter made insufficient progress toward minimum standards and works with their OFSL coach to create a recovery plan addressing areas of deficiency
Deficiency in 5 or more focus areas (consecutive years with no improvement)*Chapter made insufficient progress toward minimum standards and must participate in a conversation with their OFSL and coach, respective governing council president or designated officer, chapter advisor, inter/national organization representative, and any other relevant stakeholders to demonstrate commitment to remain recognized at Penn State. Following the conversation, the OFSL and respective governing council president or designated officer will determine the status of the chapter moving forward. University recognition may be withdrawn. If recognition is not withdrawn, specific requirements will be developed that are designed to help the chapter address the most significant deficiencies. Failure to adhere to these requirements will result in loss of recognition.
*Fraternities and sororities that are deficient in meeting minimum standards will need to ensure that they are complying with all University and inter/national policies. In addition, they are required to conduct regular meetings with their OFSL coach to reflect on their organization’s deficiencies and evaluate their progress toward meeting the expectations outlined in each focus area. Governing councils may issue additional sanctions or requirements when organizations do not successfully meet minimum standards.

StandardsExcellence Award(Exceeds 6+ Focus Areas)

  • N/A

Standards Achievement Award (Meets 6+ Focus Areas)

  • Alpha Delta Pi (7)
  • alpha Kappa Delta Phi International Sorority, Inc. (6)
  • Alpha Rho Chi (6)
  • Alpha Xi Delta (7)
  • Beta SIgma Beta (7)
  • Delta Gamma (9)
  • Delta Zeta (9)
  • Gamma Phi Beta (7)
  • Kappa Kappa Gamma (10)
  • Lambda Theta Alpha (8)
  • Mu Sigma Upsilon (9)
  • Phi Kappa Sigma (8)
  • Phi Sigma Rho (7)
  • Phi Sigma Sigma (8)
  • Sigma Alpha Epsilon (6)
  • Sigma Kappa (6)
Chapter Recognition and Standards of Excellence Program (2024)


What is the chapter standards of excellence? ›

The CHAP Standards of Excellence are designed to help you deliver the best care and services possible. To support organizational excellence, we have developed standards that are easy to understand, relevant and practical.

What are the six standards of excellence? ›

The code builds upon the legal foundations of nonprofit management, governance, and operations to embrace fundamental values such as honesty, integrity, fairness, respect, trust, compassion, responsibility, and transparency.

What are the 6 E's of excellence? ›

The six E's: Envision, Enlist, Embody, Empower, Evaluate, Encourage.

What is the first of the 5 fundamentals of excellence? ›

Fundamental #1: Practice Fanatical Attention to Detail

At a basic level, attention to detail is the detail that makes your service or client experience excellent versus good, average, or worthless.

What is the meaning of standards of excellence? ›

Establishing standards of excellence ensures the best for your field. It includes holding yourself to high standards in simple things like timeliness, being prepared, working to improve your skill set, and being an ambassador for what you do.

What is the federal standard of excellence? ›

The Invest in What Works Federal Standard of Excellence (Federal Standard of Excellence) is an annual snapshot of how federal agencies are building and using evidence and data to get better results for young people, their families, and communities.

What are the standards of excellence in a team? ›

Recognize and support the skills and qualities of others.
  • Look for opportunities to praise every day. ...
  • Learn from your colleagues. ...
  • Frequently tell co-workers how much you value them and why.

What is the standard of service excellence? ›

Achieving service excellence involves consistently meeting or exceeding these standards, ensuring a high-quality and reliable customer experience. Both concepts emphasize a commitment to meeting customer expectations and continuous improvement in service delivery.

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Author: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-03-23

Address: 74183 Thomas Course, Port Micheal, OK 55446-1529

Phone: +13408645881558

Job: Global Representative

Hobby: Sailing, Vehicle restoration, Rowing, Ghost hunting, Scrapbooking, Rugby, Board sports

Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.