Country Sourdough French Toast - Country Recipe Book (2024)

This classic recipe for French Toast uses sourdough bread in place of traditional white bread. Sourdough bread is generally a heartier bread and also has a full, almost tart flavor without all the added sugar of regular bread. And when made as part of a great French Toast recipe, it doesn’t get any better than this.

Almost all supermarket bakery sections will have fresh sourdough bread. They are usually in round loaves and come sliced, or you can have it sliced on the spot. It’s an absolutely delicious bread and when it comes fresh from the bakery, it doesn’t contain all the preservatives and other ingredients commonly found in commercial breads. This makes it even more perfect for this french toast recipe.

Using 100% pure maple syrup with this French Toast is a must. The true sweetness of the pure maple syrup goes perfectly with the sourdough bread to create the perfect combination of flavors that you will absolutely love!

Serving Suggestions for Country Sourdough French Toast

Country sourdough French toast is delectable in itself. The combination of the sweet maple syrup and the tangy fresh sour bread is just divine. But you can always dress up your favorite sourdough French toast with items that you can find in your pantry. It’ll add more texture, flavour, and excitement to your breakfast.

Here are several items that go well with your sourdough French toast.

Bananas and Walnuts

Coat the banana slices with cinnamon and pop it in the frying pan to grill. Take about 2 minutes to grill each side of the bananas. Now you can place cinnamon, glazed banana, and walnuts on your French toast.

Peanut Butter, Maple Syrup, and Bacon

This is a grand take on your usual peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Spread peanut butter, add in the bacon slices, and pour lots of maple syrup on our sourdough French toast. This one makes for an epic combination, trust us.

Cornflakes-Crusted French Toast

If you want more texture and crunch to your French toast, you’ve got to try this recipe.

After dipping the bread into the custard, roll it over a bed of crushed cornflakes. Toast the bread halfway in the pan for about three minutes. And for best results, put it in the oven until cooked through or for about ten minutes. You can also top it with banana sauce or maple syrup.

FAQs regarding Country Sourdough French Toast

Is sourdough good for toast?

Yes, it is. However, take note that it also depends on what type of sourdough bread you’re going to make. Toasting would not be ideal for too-crusty sourdough bread. If you’re going to bake it using a Dutch oven, it may come out too crispy.

Still, you can use sourdough bread in a Dutch oven for your French toast. It might just be more challenging to whip up.

Can I freeze French Toast?

Yes, you can. Properly frozen French toast can be kept in the freezer for two months. Place it first on a wire rack to cool. Then store it in a Ziplock bag before popping it in the freezer.

How do you make French toast not soggy?

You have to master the art of cooking sourdough French toast. The key is to make sure that the entire bread is cooked all the way through.

To do this, start off on a higher heat to sear the outside of the bread. You’d want to create a golden crust. Once it turns golden brown, flip the bread over to the other side.

Afterwards, turn the heat down so that the inside of the toast will cook thoroughly.

Why is sourdough a healthier choice?

Sourdough involves the fermentation of grains. Fermentation breaks down phytic acid, allowing nutrients like folate to be more bioavailable.

Fermentation also increases the digestibility of grains and lower its gluten content. So, if you have a gluten intolerance, sourdough bread is a very welcome option.

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Country Sourdough French Toast

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Serves:4 servings

Country Sourdough French Toast - Country Recipe Book (2)


  • 8 slices of sourdough bread
  • 2 cups of whole milk
  • 4 large eggs, beaten
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • 1 tablespoon cinnamon
  • 4 tablespoons butter
  • Powdered sugar (optional)


  1. In a large bowl, beat eggs and mix in milk, vanilla extract and cinnamon. Mix well.
  2. Place skillet over medium heat and melt 2 tablespoons of butter.
  3. Dunk slices of bread in batter, make sure both sides are well coated. Press down a bit so bread absorbs the egg mixture.
  4. Place battered bread slices in skillet and cook until golden brown, usually 2-3 minutes. Flip bread over and cook other side until golden brown.
  5. Serve with powdered sugar, butter and pure maple syrup.

Country Sourdough French Toast - Country Recipe Book (2024)


What is country sourdough made of? ›

Made from organic white flour, 15% wholemeal flour, water, and salt, it's the lifeblood of our bakery and is used as the base for many of our breads. The dough is fermented for 36 hours, harnessing the power of wild yeast; the process creates a mellow, mildly sour flavour. It has a rugged crust and a light, airy crumb.

Why is restaurant French toast so good? ›

French toast always tastes better at a restaurant because the kitchen often uses better bread and cuts each slice thicker. Chefs also let the bread dry out, which allows these parched slices to soak up the custard for longer.

Why doesn't sourdough toast Brown? ›

If the fermentation is off, your dough will not have adequate reducing sugars to achieve a dark, rich sourdough crust. You might notice that if your dough is under fermented, no amount of extended cooking time will make your sourdough brown up. The sugars necessary for the crust to darken just aren't there.

Is Country French the same as sourdough? ›

Pain de campagne ("country bread" in French), also called "French sourdough", is typically a large round loaf ("miche") made from either natural leavening or baker's yeast.

Is sourdough actually healthier? ›

Sourdough bread is also an excellent source of antioxidants. Studies have shown that antioxidants like the peptides found in sourdough can lower the risk for certain types of cancer, signs of aging, or chronic diseases like rheumatoid arthritis.

Should I leave bread out overnight for French toast? ›

Ideally, the bread should be slightly stale. A drier bread will soak up all the custard. Bread can be left out with the wrapper open the day before cooking. If you find yourself in a pinch, dry your bread slices in a 275°F oven for 10 minutes before soaking them in the custard.

Is French toast healthier than pancakes? ›

Ready to find a winner? It's time for a food face-off. A typical stack of pancakes has almost 500 fewer calories than a plate of French toast—as well as 20 fewer grams of sugar. Pancakes keep up their lead with 78% less saturated fat than their French toast counterparts.

What type of bread do restaurants use for French toast? ›

Brioche. This is considered the gold standard for French toast because it already has more butter and eggs than most cakes, so once the custard is added, you've essentially got yourself one of the greatest (or worst, depending on whether or not you're a cardiologist) things you can put into your body.

How to tell if sourdough is done? ›

You can insert the toothpick into the base of the sourdough. If the toothpick comes out clean, the bread should be cooked through. If you see wet crumbs or dough on the toothpick then the sourdough is not cooked through.

What happens if you over ferment sourdough? ›

The loaf is also inclined to over spring resulting in a crumb with big, random, holes or channels running through the loaf. If you over-ferment the dough you run the risk of the gluten structure degrading and the loaf turning into a puddle of goo before your eyes, never to be retrieved and destined for the bin.

Why does sourdough turn black? ›

It's actually quite difficult to kill sourdough starter. And that black stuff isn't harmful, either — it's perfectly safe. The inky liquid is simply telling you the starter is hungry. After 8 weeks in the refrigerator without being fed, what began as a happy, healthy starter (l) was hungry and hooch-topped (r).

What is real sourdough made of? ›

Simple ingredients

As we mentioned earlier, real sourdough only uses 3 ingredients (flour, water, and salt). The salt is necessary to prevent over-proofing and brings out natural flavours from the grains (flour).

What is sourdough bread made from? ›

Sourdough is naturally leavened bread, which means it doesn't use commercial yeast to rise. Instead, it uses a 'starter' – a fermented flour and water mixture that contains wild yeast and good bacteria – to rise. This also produces the tangy flavour and slightly chewy texture you'll find in sourdough.

What is sourdough culture made of? ›

Sourdough is a stable culture of lactic acid bacteria and yeast in a mixture of flour and water. Broadly speaking, the yeast produces gas (carbon dioxide) which leavens the dough, and the lactic acid bacteria produce lactic acid, which contributes flavor in the form of sourness.

What country is sourdough from? ›

It is believed that the use of sourdough in bread leavening developed in ancient Egypt in approximately 3000 BC and from there spread gradually to Europe, throughout ancient Greece and the Roman Empire until the present.

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