How Does Weather Forecasting Work? (2024)

Table of Contents (click to expand)
  • How Does Weather Forecasting Work?
  • What Is This Observational Data?
  • Who Conducts This Weather Forecasting?
  • How Accurate Are Weather Forecasts?

Weather stations, satellites, sea buoys, commercial airliners and ships gather data from all around the world. In total, billions of observations are made every single day. Processing that data with supercomputers is essential for predicting weather in North America. Predicting imminent tornadoes and other disastrous weather events makes the difference between prosperity and ruin.

Whenever we decide to go outside our front door, we typically check the forecast for the day. We usually do this via the news or with the help of our mobile phones. This daily check helps us decide if we need an umbrella or sunglasses. The weather forecast also notifies people of certain weather events expected well into the future, so that they can prepare themselves for it. Weather forecasting has made our lives much easier, but have you ever wondered how these outlets know what the weather is going to be?

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How Does Weather Forecasting Work?

Capturing Data From Different Sources

The answer to this timeless question of how weather forecasting works has its roots in observational data, mathematical modeling, and computation. Various sources, such as weather stations, satellites, sea buoys, commercial airliners and ships gather data from all around the world. Yes, even your commercial airplane flights are a source of data! In total, billions of observations are made every single day.

How Does Weather Forecasting Work? (1)

Weather forecasting using so many data points is particularly essential for predicting weather in North America, which often encounters harsh vicissitudes of weather. Particularly in the US, with its vast landmass and range of climatic conditions, it is more prone to hailstorms, flash floods and tornadoes than many other areas. The lives of fifty million people are at stake living in the coastal counties alone, which are highly susceptible to hurricanes. Predicting imminent tornadoes and other disastrous weather events early makes the difference between prosperity and ruin—between life and death!

Processing That Data With Supercomputers

Regular PCs or the laptop we use for our day-to-day work aren’t really suited to work on the humongous amount of weather data generated from variegated instruments. Most weather agencies these days use supercomputers with amazing computational prowess. The supercomputers at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), for example, can complete 2.8 quadrillion calculations (yes, you read that correctly. 1 Quadrillion is 1015) every second! These supercomputers have now become crucial to generating global forecasts.

Supercomputers are programmed to use mathematical models based on past weather patterns and the geography of that particular region. Mathematical models are in the form of equations that describe key processes regulating weather, such as Earth’s rotation, wind speed, and direction, precipitation, evaporation, etc. When these data points are fed from various measuring instruments and sensors to the supercomputers, they run a set of complicated equations, depending on how it’s being modeled by the meteorologist, and generates a forecast.

The models used for weather forecasting aren’t one-size-fits-all solutions; some are good at predicting hurricanes, while others are good with general temperature and humidity prediction. This is why computers don’t really have the last word. The output from them is converted into user-friendly graphs and charts, which can be then interpreted by meteorologists in the weather agency to make a more comprehensive and informed forecast.

How Does Weather Forecasting Work? (2)

Below is an image of what a regular forecast chart looks like and how meteorologists interpret them. The yellow dashed line would represent areas of moderate or high turbulence, while the scalloped lines represent cumulonimbus clouds, which are basically thunderstorm clouds. These areas have higher chances of storms and precipitation. The green lines indicate jet streams, which are near the core of maximum winds.

How Does Weather Forecasting Work? (3)

Also Read: Why Is It So Hard To Predict The Weather?

What Is This Observational Data?

Meteorologists closely focus on observational data points when coming up with a weather forecast. Observational data is a list of things that affect the weather in one way or another. However, keep in mind that everything has its own significance. Let’s look into some details of these key observational data points.

Temperature And Humidity

One of the things that we observe on a day-to-day basis is temperature. An increase in temperature is most likely to cause a direct increase in evaporation. This will result in a higher amount of humidity, which increases the chances of rain, hail, or snow.

Pressure And Winds

The next two things are pressure and wind. According to the level of pressure, regions come in two types: high-pressure regions and low-pressure regions. High-pressure regions have air with high density and vice versa. As we know, things always move from high-density areas to low-density areas. Similarly, winds start flowing from high-pressure regions to low-pressure regions. The speed of that movement is decided by the difference in pressure. If the difference is large, the speed will be faster. The variation in temperature between these two regions also has notable effects, leading to regular rainfall/snowfall, or in some cases, thunderstorms/tornadoes.

How Does Weather Forecasting Work? (4)

Dew Point

If you observe a glass of cold water in the sun or the morning grass on your lawn, you can clearly see water droplets present. These drops of water are called ‘dew’ or condensation. When the temperature is low enough, the air becomes saturated with water vapor. At that point, we start to see water appear on the surface of glasses or windows. The temperature at which this event occurs is called the ‘dew point’. Thus, on any given day, if the temperature and dew point are close, it leads to a higher amount of water vapor. A higher amount of water vapor leads to higher humidity, which further affects the weather, as mentioned above.

How Does Weather Forecasting Work? (5)

Also Read: At What Point Do Clouds Become Heavy Enough To Rain?

Who Conducts This Weather Forecasting?

Many countries rely on a single weather service provider, which is often federally controlled, for weather prediction, warnings, and alerts. However, in the US, there are public, private, and university-based weather forecasting systems.

The US, being a large and populous country dealing with wide fluctuations in weather conditions across the vast landmass, probably needs multiple agencies specializing in different niches for a more accurate forecast. The US is regarded as one of the global powerhouses of weather forecasting.

Most forecasts come from the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP), which is a part of the federal weather forecasting agency—National Weather Service (NWS). The NCEP runs various weather models and passes on the results of this modeling to the NWS office, which then customizes and optimizes the forecast based on the region.

As mentioned earlier, there are also private weather forecasting agencies in the business of weather forecasting. For example, commercial weather service provider Weather Underground optimizes the official forecast generated by NWS for a neighborhood scale by overlaying information it gets from its own network of weather stations. Commercial players like Weather Underground help in getting more accurate weather forecasts in your locality. Thus, different commercial weather service providers have their own niche. Some provide accurate local weather forecasting, and some specialize in providing a forecast of climatic catastrophes like thunderstorms or floods.

How Accurate Are Weather Forecasts?

You might have heard a joke that weather forecasting is the only occupation where you can be wrong half the time and still not lose your job! Is weather forecasting really that inconsistent? Despite the jokes, that’s not really the case.

Over the years, the techniques used in weather forecasting have improved by leaps and bounds. The present weather forecasting systems are much more accurate than those in the 80s or 90s.

According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), five-day forecast predictions by weather agencies now has a 90% accuracy. Seven-day forecasts are around 80% accurate. These statistics become much more impressive upon comparing with historical data. For instance, today’s five-day hurricane forecast is more accurate than four-day forecasts in the early 2000s and much more accurate than three-day forecast in the early 1990s.

Although the forecast accuracy has improved significantly over the years, meteorologists are always targeted when the weather prediction goes wrong once in a while. Also, with the advent of social media, weather data are sometimes represented out of context, which gives the impression that the weather forecast department does a shoddy job. Someone has rightly said that “meteorologists are like goalkeepers; no matter how many saves they make, they’ll only be remembered for the ones they miss!”

Meteorologists admit that weather forecasting still isn’t an exact science. Analyzing a multitude of factors can be difficult to perfectly model for computers. Perhaps that’s the beauty of weather, that even now, with all our supercomputers, it still keeps humans guessing about its tantrums!

Due to advances in research and the usage of artificial intelligence, weather forecasting is improving significantly. According to Richard Anthes, the president of the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, a few years from now, the weather forecast will be essentially perfect for a zero to two-day timeframe. Well, if we can achieve that, we can be completely sure about the weather’s behavior for at least a day or two, and could better plan our trips and outings without any worries of a forecast going terribly wrong!

References (click to expand)
  1. Predicting Weather - Seo Title.
  2. Judt, F. (2020, January). Atmospheric Predictability of the Tropics, Middle Latitudes, and Polar Regions Explored through Global Storm-Resolving Simulations. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences. American Meteorological Society.
  3. Judt, F., & Chen, S. S. (2016, November). Predictability and Dynamics of Tropical Cyclone Rapid Intensification Deduced from High-Resolution Stochastic Ensembles. Monthly Weather Review. American Meteorological Society.
  4. Improving weather forecasts - NOAA. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
How Does Weather Forecasting Work? (2024)


How Does Weather Forecasting Work? ›

Weather forecasts are made by collecting data about the current state of the atmosphere and using an understanding of atmospheric processes to predict how the atmosphere will evolve.

How do forecasters predict the weather? ›

This involves using tools such as satellites, radar, and surface maps. Meteorologists look at patterns in the atmosphere, beginning with general patterns, then narrowing it down to the more specific details. We've all heard of satellites and radar, but you might not be familiar with surface maps.

How accurate are weather forecasts? ›

The Short Answer:

A seven-day forecast can accurately predict the weather about 80 percent of the time and a five-day forecast can accurately predict the weather approximately 90 percent of the time. However, a 10-day—or longer—forecast is only right about half the time.

How is weather forecast measured? ›

Measurements of barometric pressure and the pressure tendency (the change of pressure over time) have been used in forecasting since the late 19th century. The larger the change in pressure, especially if more than 3.5 hPa (2.6 mmHg), the larger the change in weather can be expected.

How much do you get paid to predict the weather? ›

How much does a Weather Forecaster make in California? As of Jul 29, 2024, the average annual pay for a Weather Forecaster in California is $54,658 a year. Just in case you need a simple salary calculator, that works out to be approximately $26.28 an hour. This is the equivalent of $1,051/week or $4,554/month.

Why is it so hard to predict the weather? ›

Weather models work by simulating specific points over the Earth's surface at many different elevations and they need to do it for every time that we'd like to forecast. They need to do billions of calculations every day and they use some of the largest supercomputers in the world to do it.

How do weather forecasters get their data? ›

This is done by examining a large quantity of observation data including surface observations, satellite imagery, radar data, radiosonde data, upper-air data, wind profilers, aircraft observations, river gauges, and simply looking outside.

What does 60% chance of rain mean? ›

Closer look at percentages

Let's use 60% as the rain chance in the forecast. That means 60% of the entire area (Central Florida) could see measurable rain at some point in the day, while the other 40% won't.

What does 50 chance of rain mean? ›

1. that 50 percent of the area will get wet. 2. or that it will rain 50 percent of the time. A 50 percent chance of rain means there is a 50 percent chance for any one spot in the forecast area to get wet during the forecast period.

What does 40 chance of rain mean? ›

If a forecast for a given county says that there is a 40% chance of rain this afternoon, then there is a 40% chance of rain at any point in the county from noon to 6 p.m. local time. This point probability of precipitation is predetermined and arrived at by the forecaster by.

Where was the world's highest ever recorded temperature? ›

The official highest recorded temperature is now 56.7°C (134°F), which was measured on 10 July 1913 at Greenland Ranch, Death Valley, California, USA.

At what temperature will rain turn into snow? ›

Snowflakes are just collections of ice crystals that cling to each other as they fall toward the ground. Precipitation continues to fall as snow when the temperature remains at or below 32 degrees F from the cloud base to the ground.

What is the most trusted weather model? ›

The two most well-known weather models are the European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecast (ECMWF) model and the National Weather Service's Global Forecast System (GFS) model. They are commonly referred to as the European and American models, respectively.

How many hours do meteorologists work a day? ›

Meteorologists usually work a forty-hour week. Overtime is required when weather conditions deteriorate. Shift work is required when a station is open 24 hours a day. They may be required to relocate to fill staffing requirements at another station or to advance in grade.

How much do NASA meteorologists make? ›

Get feedback on your pay or offer

Create an anonymous post and get feedback on your pay from other professionals. The estimated total pay range for a Meteorologist at NASA is $78K–$122K per year, which includes base salary and additional pay. The average Meteorologist base salary at NASA is $98K per year.

What meteorologist makes the most money? ›

High Paying Meteorologist Jobs
  • Chief Meteorologist. Salary range: $110,000-$137,500 per year. ...
  • Metrology Engineer. Salary range: $90,000-$122,000 per year. ...
  • Weather Analyst. Salary range: $47,000-$89,500 per year. ...
  • Marine Meteorologist. Salary range: $45,000-$79,500 per year. ...
  • Forecaster. ...
  • Weather Forecaster. ...
  • General Forecaster.

What technology is used to predict the weather? ›

Besides weather satellites, atmospheric measurements, and computer models, meteorologists use weather radar to monitor and forecast the weather. Weather radar provides important information on where rain or snow is falling.

Who predicts the most accurate weather? ›

According to ForecastWatch, the premier organization for evaluating the accuracy of weather forecasts, The Weather Company is more likely to be the most accurate across all geographic regions studied (U.S., Canada, Central America, South America, Europe, Africa, Middle East and Asia-Pacific) and time periods covered.

What are the traditional ways of predicting weather? ›

The ability to predict the weather through a variety of ways is by observing the clouds, wind direction and speed, the oceans waves, the sunrise and sunset and animal behavior.

How do weather forecasting models work? ›

These models provide the foundation of the weather forecast. The models use an analysis of the current weather as a starting point and then project the state of the atmosphere in the future. The models use complicated physics and fluid dynamics equations that require supercomputers to solve them.

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