Rincon Vista Veterinary Center (2024)

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  • Leslie S.

    September 5, 2022, 11:48 pm

    Disappointing. Made anappointment for mycat Harley tosee thevet. Instead, hewas seen only bythe office manager/dietician, the receptionist, and anassistant. Thevet, Iwas told, was insurgery, unavailable, soHarley was never intended tobe seen bythevet, apparently, due toa scheduling conflict unbeknownst tome, until Iasked. Irecently moved and decided togive this place atry since it's around the corner from mynew place, versus driving adistance tohis formervet. Hehad abad tooth preventing him from eating. Iwarned the girls hewould probably beuncooperative, but due tocovid, they wouldn't let mein back withhim. The office manager returned after several minutes saying hewouldn't let them pethim, hescratched one ofthe girls, sohe was returned tome inhis carrier entangled intwo leashes. One was wrapped around his neck, the other onhis legs. She said, “You can keep the leashes.” Iremoved the leashes without incident from mycat, and easily returned them. Itconcerned methat itlooked asthough they had tried tohog tie him insome type ofconstraints when hedidn't easily submit tothem ortheir examination. Previously, when Harley was taken tohis former vet inthe old neighborhood for prior dental issues, the vet didn't have aneasy exam either, but hegot itdone without constraints, sedatives, blood tests, lab work and more according tothe nearly $700billing estimate they then presented mein order toget Harley's tooth lookedat. Ideclined. They charged mefor their 35minutes 'appointment time', which Ipaid, but for what services Idon't know, since Harley left inworse shape than before wearrived. Upon leaving, Isaid I'd get back intouch, but don't intend togo further with them. The receptionist left mea follow-up voicemail regarding Harley, asking how “she” was doing.
    Uh, delete.
    – show



    • Company's official reply

      September 6, 2022, 8:40 pm

      We are sosorry that your visit was not toyour satisfaction- Wedid NOT charge you a$55.00medical examfee, you were however charged atechnician visit because the time (45minutes) that was invested trying towork with yourcat, and for the “Fraidy Cat” protocol package that also includes medication. There was noreason for amedical exam withDr. Heist because she would have been unable totouchhim. There was nomajor scheduling conflict. TheDr. was running afew minutes behind, and ifyour kitty would have been able tobe handled, theDr. would have seenhim, the minute she finished. Weare afear free hospital and with that said- After multiple attempts toget asimple TPR onyourcat, itwas decided that hewould need tocome back under our “Fraidy Cat” protocol, which you were given. Weuse aharnessing method onall cats, and wesurely did NOT hog tiehim, orany pet for that matter! Wecould not get the leashing harnessing offhim. Asfor the estimate pricing that you were given- Your cat isa senior feline, that had not been seen bya veterinarian since 2014, when hewas 2yearsold. Wedeliver Gold Stand ofCare, and our estimates reflect that. Exam, lab work, vaccines, and any medications that may beneeded togo home. $700was the very highend!
      Again, weare sosorry!
      Rincon Vista Veterinary Center
      – show



    • Doug I.

      July 30, 2022, 1:33 pm

      It's too soon for meto adequately evaluate Rincon Vista, but sofar I've been favorably impressed byDr. Heist and her team. Ihave felt valued asa customer and more importantly, Ifeel they care about mypet. Itis avery well organized business, with lots ofways ofstaying intouch with clients. Ireally appreciated them getting mypet inon super short notice!

      I dofind having consultations out inthe lobby with other pet owners listening feels awkward, and miss the days ofmore private c

      onversations inexam rooms, especially when discussing painful medical topics.

      I haven't decided yet ifI'm going tomake this mylong-term vet choice. Because ofmy financial situation, Imay need togo back tousing alow-income vet alternative. But itis growing onme.

      – show



      • Dena R.

        May 31, 2022, 12:25 am

        Love itlove itlove itit isamazing the doctors the staff the nurses everybody they care for the animals they care what you think they listen toyou and they have their own pharmacy love it



        • Pam T.

          May 23, 2022, 5:05 am

          Everyone was sohelpful and very professional. Thankyou.



          • Ceara C.

            May 5, 2022, 3:32 am

            Great visit! Idid alittle research ofcourse before going here and the reviews we’re amazing for areason! Itwas mypuppies first visit tothe vet soI was alittle nervous, but that feeling quickly passed. They were able tosqueeze mein same day asmy puppy was inpain. The receptionist was very nice and friendly. The vet tech weworked with was VERY knowledgeable and took time toexplain every option, answering any questions Ihad and making mefeel comfortable with whatever path Ichose to godown. Mypuppy definitely made alot ofnew friends with the staff! DrHeist came out tospeak with meand was personable, kind and you can tell she really cares about her patients. All she wants isthe best for everypup. She goes over every little detail inwhat she diagnoses and why things are the way theyare. Overall agreat experience and will betaking all ofmy dogs there from nowon. Thanks guys!– show



            • Mary M.

              April 15, 2022, 4:24 am

              Got mein sameday. They were wonderful, the staff was alittle backed upso they offered adiscount onmy bill ️



              • Company's official reply

                April 24, 2022, 10:46 pm

                Thank you for the 5star review and choosingus. Wetry hard toaccommodate the pets, and the pet parents inour community.



              • Troy C.

                March 5, 2022, 12:16 am

                The entire staff iskind, courteous, and has genuine care (in myopinion) ofeach animal that comes through the doors!

                • Company's official reply

                  March 7, 2022, 6:01 pm

                  Thank you for the nice review.Dr. Heist and our team does very much care about everypet, and pet parent that wesee.



                • Morgan B.

                  January 21, 2022, 3:58 am

                  They're not agood business, they refused totest mydog for parvo until atotal for 4weeks after exposure and anybody who has any common sense knows parvo can kill adog indays. then they charged me$65tomicrochip mypet,when Ibrought mypet toanother vet turns out the microchip isn't there and when confronted about itthey said they'll charged me$85toput another onein. Its very unprofessional and they don't care about the animals mydog has been untrusting and timid since bringing himhere asa puppy. Won't begoing back.– show



                  • Company's official reply

                    February 13, 2022, 6:45 pm

                    Very sorry you feel thisway. Thank you for the review.



                  • There's o.

                    August 4, 2021, 3:42 am

                    I gave them 4stars because they are EXPENSIVE and they have NORESTROOMS. they were good nvery personal able. Iwouldn't mind going back aslong asthey lower the prices.



                    • Company's official reply

                      August 4, 2021, 6:54 am

                      Thank you for the favorable review! Each ofour staff members enjoys their jobs and provides excellent care. Our prices are set atthe point that isneeded tocover our expenses and provide our employees afair wage.



                    • Teresa H.

                      August 3, 2021, 10:30 am

                      I took mydog infor anexam that was supposed tobe55.00, every time the assistant came out she kept coming upwith more and more they wanted todo. Just anexam, ashot and aear cleaning ended upcosting me$180.00dollars. Then they gave mean estimate of1,500to1,600for acyst tobe removed, and telling memy dog might not even survive the surgery. They are not very concerned about the pet orthe customers financial situation. Itall about the money for them.



                      • Company's official reply

                        August 4, 2021, 6:45 am

                        I amsorry you were not satisfied with our services. Wealways present clients with treatment plans and anestimate ofcosts before weperform any diagnostics ortreatment and give the client the opportunity toapprove ordecline such services. Aswe discussed, your dog has acalcified tumor which isvery different from acyst. Weprovide the safest, complete anesthesia services and always discuss the anesthetic risks with clients because wecare about our patients AND our clients.



                      • Timothy G.

                        June 10, 2021, 6:21 pm

                        Very friendly professional staff, clean modern facilities!



                        • Company's official reply

                          June 11, 2021, 12:55 am

                          Thank you for the 5***** review, and your kind words!



                        • Melinda M.

                          May 21, 2021, 2:41 am

                          I would give ita big fat zero ifI could.not sensitive tocustomer's, and technician couldn't properly explain procedure,instead ofsaying over and over did explainit,listen toyour customers,and the room where they put the animals tosleep has paper thin walls sowhile you're waiting you can hear animals and owners crying.no thanks,so insensitive.wont darken Rincon doorway again.



                          • Company's official reply

                            May 21, 2021, 5:30 pm

                            Thank you for the review!



                          • Janet F.

                            May 17, 2021, 5:26 am

                            Everyone was very helpful & sweet toour littleguy!



                            • Company's official reply

                              May 18, 2021, 8:24 pm

                              Thank you somuch for the kind words, and the 5Star review.



                            • Gail H.

                              May 2, 2021, 9:58 pm

                              We were having tremendous difficulty finding avet with any openings tosee our pup with aninjuredpaw. The kind people atRincon Vista also didn't have any openings, but they squeezed him inand psyched himup. Weare very appreciative.



                              • Company's official reply

                                May 18, 2021, 8:28 pm

                                Thank You very much for the 5Star review, aswell asthe kind words. Wealways try toput ourselves, inthe pet owners shoes. Wedo our best toaccommodate everyone.:))



                              • Barbara D.

                                April 10, 2021, 7:14 am

                                Love this place for myfur babies. Amazing staff and Itrust them implicitly.



                                • Company's official reply

                                  April 29, 2021, 7:35 pm

                                  Thank You for the 5*****



                                • Pearls w.

                                  March 29, 2021, 8:58 pm

                                  I have been going toRincon Vista for the past 13years. They are very caring and thorough with all myanimal's needs. Ihave never been forced todo any service that Ifeel uncomfortable with, and they are upfront about their costs. Everyone isfriendly and communicate well. Aslong asI have pets, this ismy veterinarian ofchoice.



                                  • Company's official reply

                                    May 21, 2021, 5:31 pm

                                    Thank You for the kind review, and kind words.



                                  • Amy J.

                                    March 28, 2021, 10:22 pm

                                    Such awonderful place with caring, amazing staff who take the time with you and your fur babies. Love their attention todetail and the fact that they're fear-free--it makes taking mylarge puppers, River, somuch easier. Highly recommend!



                                    • Company's official reply

                                      December 31, 2019, 10:41 pm

                                      Thank you for your review. River issuch acutie....we are sohappy tohave him asa new patient!



                                    • Michele L.

                                      March 12, 2021, 3:34 am

                                      My brother took our dog tobe seen onTuesday. Mybrother has called Wednesday and Thursday being told the tests have come back. Has the vet called backno, are they open Fridayno. Soour dog just continues tohave the same medical problems. Now granted the vet did squeeze herin, but atthis point what iswrong what medication does she need toget better. Instead atthis point she isonly getting worse. Would not recommend thisvet. Sure missDr. Bird



                                      • Company's official reply

                                        March 13, 2021, 6:15 pm

                                        We are sosorry you feel thisway. Imust inform you this;
                                        We did work your brother and his pet into beseen, Tuesday afternoon. The blood work wesentout, did not begin processing until Wednesday morning. Wereceived afinal report shortly after 6pm Thursday night, and your brother was called. Our attempted call went toa voicemail box that was full, and could not receive any messages. Wethen emailed him the information. Your brother can share the good news withyou.
                                        Rincon Vista Ve
                                        terinary Center– show



                                      • Ann J.

                                        January 25, 2021, 7:42 am

                                        My experience atRincon Vista Veterinary Center could not have been better. Everyone shows they really care about your pet and they want them tobe well— just asmuch asyoudo. Ihave been coming here for over 20years and they have taken great care ofmy 6dogs. Iwould not think ofgoing anywhere else.



                                        • Company's official reply

                                          April 29, 2021, 7:38 pm

                                          Thank You for the review, and kind words.



                                        • Diane M.

                                          January 24, 2021, 12:39 am

                                          Wonderful staff and doctor



                                          • Company's official reply

                                            April 29, 2021, 7:39 pm

                                            Thank You for the Kind words.



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                                          Author: Golda Nolan II

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                                          Views: 6736

                                          Rating: 4.8 / 5 (58 voted)

                                          Reviews: 89% of readers found this page helpful

                                          Author information

                                          Name: Golda Nolan II

                                          Birthday: 1998-05-14

                                          Address: Suite 369 9754 Roberts Pines, West Benitaburgh, NM 69180-7958

                                          Phone: +522993866487

                                          Job: Sales Executive

                                          Hobby: Worldbuilding, Shopping, Quilting, Cooking, Homebrewing, Leather crafting, Pet

                                          Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.