FY24 Allocation Guidelines (2024)

Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION‌ GENERAL GUIDELINES DATA-INFORMED MANAGEMENT Fund Code: GRF‌Appropriation Line Item: 336406 Primary Prevention Services (General) Program Name: Primary Prevention Board Allocation Fund Code: GRF‌Appropriation Line Item: 336406 Prevention Services (Evidence Based) Program Name: Prevention Allocation - Evidence Based Fund Code: GRF‌Appropriation Line Item: 336406 Prevention Services (General) Program Name: Early Intervention Fund: GRF‌Appropriation Line Item: 336421 Continuum of Care (MH Comm Invest Board Alloc) Program Name: Mental Health Portion Fund: GRF‌Appropriation Line Item: 336421 Continuum of Care Program Name: SUD Comm Invest Board Allocation Fund: GRF‌Appropriation Line Item: 336421 Continuum of Care (Medication) Program Name: Community Medication Fund(s) ‐ GRFAppropriation Line Item: 336421C Continuum of Care (Crisis Infrastructure) Program Name: Crisis Infrastructure Office and Lead(s): Fund ‐ GRFAppropriation Line Item: 336421 Continuum of Care (MH Crisis Stabilization) Program Name: Mental Health Crisis Stabilization Fund:GRF‌Appropriation Line Item (ALI):336421 Continuum of Care Appropriation Line Item: 336422 Medication – Substance Use Disorder Treatment in Specialized Docket Programs‌‌ Fund: GRF 4224N‌Appropriation Line Item (ALI): 336422 Criminal Justice Services (CJ Linkage) Program Name: Behavioral Health/Criminal Justice Linkage Program (BH/CJ) Allocation Guideline FY24 Fund: GRF and MHBG-ARPAAppropriation Line Item: 336422 Criminal Justice Services (Forensic Centers) and 336614 Mental Health Block Grant (MHBG- ARPA) Fund: GRF and 3A90 MHBGAppropriation Line Item: 336422 Criminal Justice Services (Forensic Monitoring) and 336614 Mental Health Block Grant (MHBG) Fund: GRF and MHBGAppropriation Line Item (ALI): 336422 (Criminal Justice Services/ Outpatient Restoration to Competency) and 336614 Mental Health Block Grant (MHBG) Fund: GRF 422C‌Appropriation Line Item: 336422 Behavioral Health Drug Reimbursem*nt to County Jails Program Name: Behavioral Health Drug Reimbursem*nt to County Jails Fund: GRF 4221C‌Appropriation Line Item (ALI): 336422 Criminal Justice Services (Community Transitions) Program Name: Community Transition Program Fund: GRFAppropriation Line Item (ALI): 336424 Recovery Housing Program Name: Recovery Housing ($2,500,000) Fund: GRF Appropriation Line Item (ALI): 336424 Recovery Housing Program Name: Recovery Housing ($500,000) Fund: GRF 4224EAppropriation Line Item: 336425 Specialized Docket Support Program Name: Specialized Dockets Subsidy Project Fund: 5TZ0 Appropriation Line Item: 336600 Stabilization Centers (SUD Crisis Stabilization) Program Name: Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Crisis Stabilization Centers Fund: 3A70 Appropriation Line Item (ALI): 33661Program Name: Title XX - 2023 Social Services Block Grant 4221C CFDA# (If federally funded): 93.667 Fund: 3A90‌Appropriation Line Item: 336614 Mental Health Block Grant (MHBG) Program Name: Federal Block Grant Base to ADAMH/CMH Boards – CFDA 93.958‌ Fund: 3A90 & 3G40 Appropriation Line Item (ALI): 336614 & 336618 Program Name: Block Grant COVID Mitigation Funds CFDA# (If federally funded): 93.958 & 93.959 Fund: 3A90 Mental Health Block Grant Appropriation Line Item (ALI): 336614 Fund Code: 3G40Appropriation Line Item: 336618 Substance Use Prevention Treatment and Recovery Supports Block Grant (SUPTRS) Formerly SAPT Block Grant Fund Code: 3G40Appropriation Line Item: 336618 Substance Use Prevention Treatment and Recovery Supports Block Grant (SUPTRS) Formerly SAPT Block Grant Fund: COVID Relief Funds – Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant Appropriation Line Item (ALI): 336618 Fund Code: 5JL0 - Appropriation Line Item: 336629 Problem Gambling and Addictions Program Name: Gambling Addictions Fund: 5TZ0 Appropriation Line Item: 336643 ADAMH Boards (Crisis Flex) Program Name: Crisis Flexible Funds Fund: 5TZ0 and GRF‌ Appropriation Line Item: 336643 ADAMHS Boards (Additional Investments) Program Name: Additional Community Investment GUIDELINES ADDED AFTER INITIAL RELEASE

Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services SFY2024 Community Allocation Guidelines

Original Release – May 18, 2023

Updated - September 15, 2023


The Ohio Department of Mental Health & Addiction Services (MHAS) is pleased to publish the Community Allocation Guidelines for state fiscal year 2024.

The Department uses two main methods to disburse dollars to the community, broadly referred to as Allocations and Grants. Allocations are disbursem*nts made to the ADAMHS Boards for specific purposes but with general flexibility in how to achieve those goals and are generally sent out on a scheduled basis. Grants are generally more specific as to purpose and method of implementation and are typically drawn down on a reimbursem*nt basis. Grant funding information will be sent out in a separate communication known as the Grant Information for Applicants, or GIFA. This document discusses the allocations to the Boards.

Within this document, you will find guidance on the allowable use of funds for each funding stream, as well as information regarding allocation methodology, contacts, and other important information. In conjunction with these Guidelines, MHAS is also releasing documentation that provides more specific information about specific amounts to each board area, known as Attachment 1. Please review all the released documents, as guidelines and funding information may have changed from previous years. As always, please contact your program or fiscal lead with questions regarding any of the information contained within these Guidelines.

We continue to carefully examine available funding sources and review our budget priorities and areas of need. Thank you for your partnership and for all that you are doing to serve Ohioans. Your hard work has enabled us to continue critical services across Ohio.


The specific guideline for each funding stream is discussed in more detail below. There are also general guidelines that apply to all funding discussed here:

  1. Eligibility to receive the following funds is limited to ADAMH Boards having an approved community plan and statement of services pursuant to ORC Chapters 340 and 5119.

    • ALI 336406 GRF Prevention Services

    • ALI 336421 GRF Continuum of Care

    • ALI 336422 GRF Forensic Monitoring

    • ALI 336422 GRF Forensic Centers

    • ALIs 336421 & 336643 Community Investment

    • ALI 336629 Fund 5JL0 Problem Gambling and Casino Addictions

    • ALI 336614 Federal Fund 3A90 Block Grant Base (Mental Health)

    • ALI 336618 Federal Fund 3G40 Block Grant Base (Substance Use Prevention & Recovery Supports)

  2. In accordance with ORC 340.08, fund recipients must submit (may upload in GFMS under ‘Additional Attachments’) and receive approval of the 040 Budget prior to any disbursem*nts being made.

  3. Recipients must submit a signed SFY24 Agreement & Assurances in GFMS as condition for funding prior to any disbursem*nt being made.

  4. All disbursem*nts have a funding period of July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024, unless otherwise noted. Unless specifically prohibited by the Guidelines below, funding will be eligible to be carried over to the next fiscal year on a case-by-case basis. All carryover requests must go through the official Carryover process. This process will be detailed under separate cover and released with those Guidelines.


The Department will continue its commitment to collecting useful programmatic data that supports statewide financial stewardship, streamlined data collection, and continuous quality improvement. Program leads, in conjunction with the Office of Quality, Planning and Research, will provide more specific data requirements with this release and subsequent communications. Our overall focus will be on the timely submission and curation of high-quality information to better inform future efforts.


By Appropriation Line Item & Program

Fund Code: GRF‌Appropriation Line Item: 336406 Primary Prevention Services (General) Program Name: Primary Prevention Board Allocation


Prevention focuses on preventing or delaying the onset of behavioral health problems (e.g., substance use and abuse, suicide, and problem gambling). Prevention services are a planned sequence of culturally appropriate, science‐driven strategies intended to facilitate attitude and behavior change for individuals and communities. These services do not include clinical assessment, treatment, or recovery support services.

The purpose of these funds is to provide funding to community providers through ADAMH Boards to support the development and implementation of a comprehensive array of primary prevention interventions to meet the needs of communities. The OhioMHAS Prevention Guidance Document, found in the Prevention Strategic Planhttps://mha.ohio.gov/static/learnandfindhelp/PreventionServices/prevention‐strategic‐plan.pdfprovides the guidelines for the delivery of this service array.

OhioMHAS prevention allocation shall be used by the Boards consistent with approved community plans and budgets. Strategies should be selected based on the Strategic Prevention Framework process which includes the assessment of needs, resources and readiness conducted as part of the community planning process.

Funded prevention interventions will address community risk and protective factors that either complicate or mitigate substance use and other mental, emotional, and behavioral health problems including suicide and problem gambling.


Eligibility to receive GRF 336406 funding is limited to ADAMH Boards having an approved community plan pursuant to ORC Chapters 340 and 5119.




Automatic quarterly distribution

Reporting Requirements:

Funding and all biannual programmatic reports must be submitted through the GFMS system. Boards will require providers implementing prevention services to submit a funding implementation plan and all biannual programmatic reports through the GFMS system. Providers should have their implementation plans put into GFMS with Board approvals by August 31, 2023. All end of year programmatic reporting will be collected via GFMS and should be completed, by August 31, 2024.

Office and Lead(s):

Office of Prevention Services, Stacey Frohnapfel‐Hasson, Chief,Stacey.Frohnapfel@mha.ohio.govor Molly Stone –Molly.Stone@mha.ohio.gov

Fund Code: GRF‌Appropriation Line Item: 336406 Prevention Services (Evidence Based) Program Name: Prevention Allocation - Evidence Based


Prevention focuses on preventing or delaying the onset of behavioral health problems (e.g., substance use and mental health disorders, suicide, and problem gambling). Prevention services are a planned sequence of culturally appropriate, science‐driven strategies intended to facilitate attitude and behavior change for individuals and communities. These services do not include clinical assessment, treatment, or recovery support services.

These funds can be used to support the coordination of partnership activities with school districts and Educational Service Centers for completing needs‐assessment and planning processes and hiring School Behavioral Health and Wellness Coordinators based on theOhioSchool WellnessInitiativeCoordinator Guide.It is important to note that evidence‐based substance‐use disorder prevention strategies also have a positive impact on other health and social outcomes related to education, juvenile justice involvement, violence prevention, and mental health.

OhioMHAS prevention allocation shall be used by the Boards to partner with community behavioral health providers and educational entities (schools, districts, ESCs) for the support of PAX GBG Partners or to support Behavioral Health and Wellness Coordinators in schools.

Supporting these initiatives will help to address school‐based risk and protective factors that either complicate or mitigate substance use and other mental, emotional, and behavioral health problems including suicide and problem gambling.

MHAS prevention allocation funding shall be used by the Boards consistent with approved community plans and budgets. Strategies should be selected based on the Strategic Prevention Framework process which includes the assessment of needs, resources, and readiness conducted as part of the community planning process. Supporting these initiatives will help to address school‐based risk and protective factors that either complicate or mitigate substance use and other mental, emotional, and behavioral health problems including suicide and problem gambling.


Eligibility to receive GRF 336406 funding is limited to ADAMH Boards having an approved community plan pursuant to ORC Chapters 340 and 5119.




One‐time disbursem*nt in the first quarter

Reporting Requirements:

Funding and all biannual programmatic reports must be submitted through the GFMS system. Boards will require providers implementing prevention services to submit a funding implementation plan and all biannual programmatic reports through the GFMS system. This is to enable required reporting for the SABG to SAMHSA. Boards must ensure that all providers have their implementation plans submitted into GFMS with Board approvals by August 31, 2023. All end of year programmatic reporting will be collected via GFMS and should be completed, by August 31, 2024.

Office and Lead(s):

Office of Prevention Services, Stacey Frohnapfel‐Hasson, Chief,Stacey.Frohnapfel@mha.ohio.govor Molly Stone,Molly.Stone@mha.ohio.gov

Fund Code: GRF‌Appropriation Line Item: 336406 Prevention Services (General) Program Name: Early Intervention


Prevention focuses on preventing or delaying the onset of behavioral health problems (e.g., substance use and abuse, suicide, and problem gambling). Early intervention is an integral part of the prevention continuum. This opportunity for selected Boards is to engage and collaborate with Miami University Center of Excellence of School-Based Prevention & Early Intervention to support the adoption and/or expansion of the the Ohio School Wellness Initiative (OSWI) through onboarding Behavioral Health and Wellness Coordinators (BHWC) in local schools. The Board’s role is to assist schools in planning and embedding a new coordinator position or expanding on an existing position utilizing allocation funding to support a School BHWC . The BHWC will provide leadership and direction to overall school behavioral health prevention and wellness efforts, including connecting the dots between strategies and demonstrating the impact of the initiative.

This also includes the development of Ohio’s model for Student Assistance Programming, Staff Wellness and School Safety.

Boards are expected to do the following:

  • Adopt the Ohio School Wellness Initiative including the Ohio Model Student Assistance Program, Staff Wellness Framework and School BHW Coordinator position(s).

  • Develop a plan for embedding and/or expanding existing position utilizing the SBHW Coordinator guide.

  • Collaborate with coordinator, provider and, schools to develop position description based on the SBHW guide.

  • Assist the school(s) and School BHW Coordinator with improving access and availability of evidence-based behavioral health promotion, prevention, and early intervention practices within the school setting.

  • Coordinate efforts to plan, implement, and sustain the School BHW Coordinator, a Student Assistance Program and staff wellness framework within the identified school beyond this funding allocation.

  • In partnership with the coordinator, provider and school, develop a sustainability plan for the position and SAP program.

  • Participate in statewide meetings with Miami University School Based Center of Excellence for Prevention & Early Intervention.

  • Ensure School BHW Coordinator actively engages the community of practice and other learning opportunities provided by Miami University School Based Center of Excellence for Prevention & Early Intervention.

  • Ensure there is ongoing communication between the board, provider, school and the School Behavioral Health & Wellness Coordinator to identify successes and explore gaps and challenges.

  • Provide mid-year and year-end program summary reports to OhioMHAS that includes sustainability plan.

OhioMHAS provided $55,000 dollars in SFY22 and is again in SFY23 to a group of selected ADAMH Boards for the positions to be hired through a local OhioMHAS certified prevention provider or directly through a school. Additional information and guidance were distributed to the funded boards and schools in a School Behavioral Health and Wellness Coordinator Guide.

The OhioMHAS’ early intervention allocation shall be used by the Boards consistent with approved community plans and budgets.

The BHWC will lead efforts to support student and staff wellness by addressing school and community risk and protective factors that either complicate or mitigate substance use and other mental, emotional, and behavioral health problems, including suicide, problem gambling and school safety.


Eligibility to receive GRF 336406 funding is limited to ADAMH Boards having an approved community plan pursuant to ORC Chapters 340 and 5119.


$2,250,000 (some in Allocations some in Grants)


Automatic one-time distribution of funds.

Reporting Requirements:

Funding and all biannual programmatic reports must be submitted through the GFMS system. Boards will require providers implementing prevention services to submit a funding implementation plan and all biannual programmatic reports through the GFMS system. Providers should have their implementation plans put into GFMS with Board approvals by August 31, 2023. All end of year programmatic reporting will be collected via GFMS and should be completed, by August 31, 2024.

Office and Lead(s):

Office of Prevention Services, Stacey Frohnapfel-Hasson, Chief,Stacey.Frohnapfel@mha.ohio.govor Valerie Leach,Valerie.leach@mha.ohio.gov

Fund: GRF‌Appropriation Line Item: 336421 Continuum of Care (MH Comm Invest Board Alloc) Program Name: Mental Health Portion


This line item is to be used to assist people or fund services for those not eligible for Medicaid reimbursem*nt. Examples of such services can be found in ORC 340.032:

Establish, to the extent resources are available, a continuum of care, which provides for prevention, treatment, support, and rehabilitation services and opportunities. The essential elements of the continuum include, but are not limited to, the following components in accordance with Section 340.032 of the Revised Code:

  1. To locate persons in need of addiction or mental health services to inform them of available services and benefits;

  2. Assistance for persons receiving services to obtain services necessary to meet basic human needs for food, clothing, shelter, medical care, personal safety, and income;

  3. Addiction and mental health services, including, but not limited to, outpatient, residential, partial hospitalization, and, where appropriate, inpatient care;

  4. Emergency services and crisis intervention;

  5. Assistance for persons receiving services to obtain vocational services and opportunities for jobs;

  6. The provision of services designed to develop social, community, and personal living skills;

  7. Access to a wide range of housing and the provision of residential treatment and support;

  8. Support, assistance, consultation, and education for families, friends, persons receiving addiction or mental health services, and others;

  9. Recognition and encouragement of families, friends, neighborhood networks, especially networks that include racial and ethnic minorities, churches, community organizations, and community employment as natural supports for persons receiving addiction or mental health services;

  10. Grievance procedures and protection of the rights of persons receiving addiction or mental health services;

  11. Community psychiatric supportive treatment services, which include ongoing individualized assistance and advocacy to ensure that needed services are offered and procured.



Funding Period: 7/1/2023 – 6/30/2024

Reimbursem*nt Form:

Automatic quarterly distribution

Office and Lead(s):

Bureau of Grants Administration –Scott Wingenfeld,Scott.Wingenfeld@mha.ohio.gov

Fund: GRF‌Appropriation Line Item: 336421 Continuum of Care Program Name: SUD Comm Invest Board Allocation


The goal of this program allocation is to ensure local access to quality and cost‐effective alcohol and other drug treatment services based on community needs. At the local level, the Alcohol, Drug Addiction and Mental Health Services Boards identify needs, establish priorities and set targets.

This funding should be utilized consistent with the goals and priorities identified in the approved ADAMH Boards’ community plan, which is the application for funding from the Department.

This line item is to be used to assist Ohioans or to fund services for those not eligible for Medicaid reimbursem*nt. Examples of such services can be found in ORC 340.032 (A):

Establish, to the extent resources are available, a community‐based continuum of care, which provides for prevention, treatment, support, and rehabilitation services and opportunities. The essential elements of the continuum include, but are not limited to, the following components in accordance with Section 5119.21 of the Revised Code:

  1. Prevention and wellness management services;

  2. At least both of the following outreach and engagement activities;

    1. Locating persons in need of addiction services and persons in need of mental health services to inform them of available addiction services, mental health services, and recovery supports;

    2. Helping persons who receive addiction services and persons who receive mental health services obtain services necessary to meet basic human needs for food, clothing, shelter, medical care, personal safety, and income.

  3. Assessment services;

  4. Care coordination;

  5. Residential services;

  6. At least the following outpatient services:

    1. Non‐intensive;

    2. Intensive, such as partial hospitalization and assertive community treatment;

    3. Withdrawal management;

    4. Emergency/crisis.

  7. Where appropriate, at least the following inpatient services:

    1. Psychiatric care;

    2. Medically managed alcohol or drug treatment.

  8. At least all of the following recovery supports:

    1. Peer support;

    2. A wide range of housing and support services; including recovery housing;

    3. Employment, vocational, and educational opportunities

    4. Assistance with social, personal, and living skills

    5. Multiple paths to recovery such as twelve‐step approaches and parent advocacy connection;

    6. Support, assistance, consultation, and education for families, friends, and persons receiving addiction services, mental health services, and recovery supports.



Reimbursem*nt Form:

Automatic quarterly distribution

Funding Period: 7/1/2023 – 6/30/2024

Office and Lead(s):

Bureau of Grants Administration –Scott Wingenfeld,Scott.Wingenfeld@mha.ohio.gov

Fund: GRF‌Appropriation Line Item: 336421 Continuum of Care (Medication) Program Name: Community Medication


The overall purpose and intent of the funding is: to provide subsidized support for medications to treat mental illness and/or addiction of indigent citizens of a community, to reduce unnecessary hospitalization because of the inability to afford the required medication, and to provide subsidized support for methadone and other medications used to treat opioid use disorder.


  1. Boards must be authorized by MHAS for receipt of methadone allocations.

  2. The community medication allocation is made to ADAMH Boards. The Board will determine allocations for medication needs to treat mental illness and/or addiction to eligible providers.

  3. Boards will be responsible for the approval of any application made by a provider for first‐time allocation, with such allocation being made within the Board’s total allocation.

  4. Client eligibility for subsidized support for psychotropic medication should factor in income and client characteristics. In order to receive Office of Pharmacy Services medications, clients must be:

    1. Adults with severe mental disability (SMD) or children/adolescents with a serious emotional disturbance (SED); or

    2. At risk of hospitalization if medications were discontinued; or

    3. Recently released from a mental health inpatient, residential treatment facility, jail or prison (within a three‐month period prior to eligibility determination).

  5. Funds may also be used to provide subsidized support for Board specific projects.

Boards and their contract agencies should establish a method to determine those persons most in need. This method must include the identification of persons eligible for third‐party reimbursem*nt.


  1. MHAS continues to provide flexibility in this GRF allocation with the recognition that increased enrollment in Medicaid means that more individuals have health coverage for needed prescriptions. The state fiscal year 2024 community investments allocation may be designated by the Board to be spread between psychotropic medications, opiate addiction medications, and community projects. All Boards must complete the budget request template and participation agreement form found on the MHAS website. Please return the form to Dex Stanger, Chief Fiscal Officer, by July 31, 2023.

The Board may elect to receive these funds as a direct disbursem*nt rather than creating a credit with OPS. Should this be requested, these funds will be disbursed as an allocation to the requesting Board. These funds, as with all 336421 funds, may still be used to make purchases with OPS, which will then be invoiced.

Consistent with current practice, Boards will continue to make purchases through CPO and/or PSC. If purchases exceed the budgeted amount for medications, the Boards are responsible for payment to CPO/PSC within 30 days.

In the 4th quarter of state fiscal year 2024, there will be a one‐time opportunity to elect to receive any funds remaining as a credit with the Office of Pharmacy Services from the FY24 allocation as a cash disbursem*nt instead, commonly referred to as the “cash‐out.” This request must be forwarded to Dex Stanger no later than Wednesday, April 21, 2024. The “cash‐out” will be disbursed as part of the final quarterly allocation.

The formulary for treatment in the community was expanded in FY 14 to include medications to treat opiate addiction. All Boards may designate a portion of their GRF 336421 medication funds to be utilized for bulk purchases of opiate addiction medications. Treatment centers will be able to purchase medications such as Suboxone®, Subutex®, and Vivitrol® from the OPS Ohio Pharmacy Service Center (OPSC). Any Board must provide to Ohio Pharmacy Services (OPS) a list of provider agency allocations and contact information for any new customers in order for OPS to establish new customer identification. Any provider of a Schedule 2 or Schedule 3 controlled substance must have a DEA and a Terminal Distributor License. A copy of the license must be sent to Ohio’s Pharmacy Service Center.

Methadone allocations will continue to be provided to eight ADAMH Boards and will be consistent with previous allocations (see Attachment 1). The total methadone allocation is $252,288.


Please submit provider allocations for community medication allocation no later than July 31, 2023 to: Matt Monell, Ohio Pharmacy Services (matthew.monell@mha.ohio.gov) and Dex Stanger, Financial Management (Dex.Stanger@mha.ohio.gov).

Each Board must also fill out a budget template and form that indicates the amount of funding that shall be allocated for pharmaceuticals and an amount used at local Board discretion.

Funding Period: 7/1/2023– 6/30/2024


$14,898,706 Community Medication and $252,288 for methadone (total $15,150,994).

Office and Lead(s):

Ohio Pharmacy Services –Matt Monell, Fiscal Officer,Matt.Monell@mha.ohio.gov

Financial Management –Dex Stanger, Chief Fiscal Officer,Dex.Stanger@mha.ohio.gov

Fund(s) ‐ GRFAppropriation Line Item: 336421C Continuum of Care (Crisis Infrastructure) Program Name: Crisis Infrastructure


The intention of the MH/SUD Crisis Stabilization funds is to develop, evaluate, and expand crisis services infrastructure to provide supports for adults, children, and families in a variety of settings that connect, respond, stabilize, and assist individuals with being able to thrive in the community. This line item can be used to assist people or fund services for those not eligible for Medicaid or fund services and supports that are not Medicaid reimbursable. Examples of such services can be found in ORC 340.032.


In each fiscal year a total of $2,500,000 will be disseminated state‐wide for Crisis Infrastructure. $50,000 will be disseminated annually through a one‐time distribution to each Board.




The Boards are required to submit a single Crisis System Update to the department along with the annual update of the Community Assessment and Plan, by February 15, 2024 and February 17, 2025. The update should include:


In each fiscal year a total of $1,500,000 will be disseminated state‐wide for Mental Health Crisis Stabilization. Of the total $250,000 will be disseminated annually through a one‐time distribution to each regional collaborative to the Board area(s) as indicated by the collaborative.

Regional collaboratives shall submit a plan subject to approval by the Department, for use of these funds in conjunction with the SUD crisis stabilization center funding (Fund 5TZ0 ALI 336600 – Stabilization Centers) to provide an effective range of crisis services.




The Boards are required to submit a single Crisis System Update to the department along with the annual update of the Community Assessment and Plan, by February 15, 2024 and February 17, 2025. The update should include: A description of the current and planned county Crisis Response system

  • A description of the current and planned county Crisis Response system

  • The planned use of the full Crisis package (MH/SUD Crisis Stabilization, Crisis Flex, and Crisis Infrastructure funds)

Annual outcome data.

The Boards should include expenditures associated with crisis funds on the FIS‐040 Actuals report as a separate column specific to these funds entitled “Crisis Infrastructure Funds.”

Office and Lead(s):

Office of Community Planning and Collaboration, Systems Administrator, Michelle Allison‐Smith, Michelle.Allison‐Smith@mha.ohio.gov

Office of Community Planning and Collaboration, Assistant Director, Jamie Carmichael.Jamie.Carmichael@mha.ohio.gov.

Fund ‐ GRFAppropriation Line Item: 336421 Continuum of Care (MH Crisis Stabilization) Program Name: Mental Health Crisis Stabilization


The Mental Health Stabilization Funds shall be used to establish and administer, in collaboration with the other boards that serve the same state psychiatric hospital region, Mental Health stabilization centers. Boards may use these funds in conjunction with the SUD Crisis Stabilization Funds to establish and administer crisis stabilization centers that have the ability to serve individuals with substance use and/or mental health needs. There should be at a minimum one center located in each state psychiatric hospital region. This line item can be used to assist people or fund services for those not eligible for Medicaid reimbursem*nt or fund services and supports that are not Medicaid reimbursable. Examples of such services can be found in ORC 340.032.

Boards of Alcohol, Drug Addiction, and Mental Health services shall ensure that each mental health crisis stabilization center established complies with all of the following:

  • It admits individuals before and after the individuals receive treatment and care at hospital emergency departments or freestanding emergency departments;

  • It admits individuals before and after the individuals are confined in state or local correctional facilities;

  • It has a Medicaid provider agreement;

  • It admits individuals who have been identified as needing the stabilization services provided by the center;

  • It connects individuals when they are discharged from the center with community‐based continuum of care services and supports as described in Section 340.032 of the Revised Code.

  • The planned use of the full Crisis package (MH/SUD Crisis Stabilization, Crisis Flex, and Crisis Infrastructure funds)

  • Annual outcome data.

The Boards should include expenditures associated with crisis funds on the FIS‐040 Actuals report as a separate column specific to these funds entitled “MH Crisis Funds.”

Funding Period: 7/1/2023-6/30/2024

Office and Lead(s):

Office of Community Planning and Collaboration, Systems Administrator, Michelle Allison‐Smith, Michelle.Allison‐Smith@mha.ohio.gov

Office of Community Planning and Collaboration, Assistant Director, Jamie Carmichael.Jamie.Carmichael@mha.ohio.gov.

Fund:GRF‌Appropriation Line Item (ALI):336421 Continuum of Care

Program Name:Access to Wellness

CFDA# (If federally funded):N/A


Thepurpose of the Access to Wellness program is to leverage existing resources and partnerships to develop a coordinated response that is supportive of individuals who often present within multiple systems. The overarching goal of the Access to Wellness program is to support community tenure, successful recovery, and positive long- term outcomes for individuals diagnosed with a severe mental illness. Funds are allocated to ADAMHS Boards that are participating in the Access to Wellness program.


All local ADAMHS Boards are eligible to receive Access to Wellness funds.

Funding Period

July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024

Prohibited Expenditures:

Funding can be used for treatment, recovery supports, and administrative costs (e.g., MH Peer Navigator payroll) at the provider level. Examples of prohibited expenditures include bills that are not in the client’s name, the purchase of a car, car repairs, tires, car insurance, or ongoing employment-related child-care needs. Providers should identify recovery supports on an individual basis based upon clinical judgment and client need.



Other Information

To be eligible for participation in Access to Wellness, a person must meet at least one of the below criteria:

  • Two inpatient psychiatric hospitalizations within the past 12 months and touched by one or more of the following systems:

    • Aging (over 65)

    • Criminal Justice (e.g., AOT, Probation, Specialty Docket)

    • Developmental Disabilities

    • Homelessness

    • Veterans

  • Two Crisis Stabilization Unit (CSU) stays within the past 12 months and touched by one or more of the following systems:

    • Aging (over 65)

    • Criminal Justice (e.g., AOT, Probation, Specialty Docket)

    • Developmental Disabilities

    • Homelessness

    • Veterans

  • One inpatient psychiatric hospitalization and one CSU stay within the past 12 months and touched by one or more of the following systems:

    • Aging (over 65)

    • Criminal Justice (e.g., AOT, Probation, Specialty Docket)

    • Developmental Disabilities

    • Homelessness

    • Veterans

  • Currently involved in an Outpatient Competency Restoration Program

    • Hospitalizations, CSU stays, and system involvement waived

    • Must have a significant mental health diagnosis by a licensed professional

  • Currently incarcerated in jail and in need of supports upon release

    • Hospitalizations, CSU stays, and system involvement waived

    • Must have a significant mental health diagnosis by a licensed professional

The per client cost is limited to $8,000 per year with an appeals process for additional funding eligibility or use of funds. Before utilizing Access to Wellness program funds, the use of all other available local, state, and federal funds must be exhausted with the exception of county Levy funds.




Participating ADAMHS Boards may receive 50% disbursem*nt for Q1/Q2 and 50% disbursem*nt for Q3/Q4. Allocations may be made dependent upon existing expenditures and made upon request.

Reporting Requirements

A mid-year and year-end report will be due to the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services, Bureau of Mental Health Treatment, on or before February 1st, 2024 and August 1, 2024. The report must include the following:

  1. Number of individuals served during the reporting period;

  2. System involvement of individuals served during the reporting period;

  3. Hospitalization of individuals served during participation in the Access to Wellness program during reporting period, if applicable;

  4. Incarceration of individuals served during participation in the Access to Wellness program during reporting period, if applicable;

  5. Crisis Stabilization Unit stays of individuals served during participation in the Access to Wellness program during reporting period, if applicable;

  6. Type(s) of behavioral health services provided during the reporting period;

  7. Type(s) of recovery supports provided during the reporting period;

  8. Type(s) of housing provided during the reporting period;

  9. Amount of funds spent on personnel during the reporting period;

  10. Amount of funds spent on all recovery supports during the reporting period;

Success Stories (optional)

Office and Lead(s) Contact Info:Liz Poprocki atElizabeth.Poprocki@mha.ohio.gov

Appropriation Line Item: 336422 Medication – Substance Use Disorder Treatment in Specialized Docket Programs‌‌

Program Name: 4224P Addiction Treatment Program

Purpose and Eligibility:

These funds are allocated to ADAMH Boards that are currently providing the Addiction Treatment Program (ATP) in Certified Drug and/or Family Dependency Courts, which may include an offender under a community control sanction. The ATP funds shall be used to support substance use disorder treatment, including medication-assisted treatment and recovery supports for drug court specialized docket programs and to support the administrative expenses of courts and community addiction services providers participating in the program. The Behavioral Health Services providers are Certified by OhioMHAS to deliver an integrated service delivery model that consists of coordinated care between the MAT prescriber, Behavioral Health Care Provider, and the Courts. ATP participants will be provided access to long-acting antagonist therapies, partial antagonist therapies, or full antagonist therapies, that are included in the program’s medication-assisted treatment and FDA approved.

Certified Providers will also coordinate services and medications for withdrawal management or detoxification which may include Alpha-2 agonist therapy for withdrawal management or detoxification. ATP participants will be provided other types of therapies, including psychosocial therapies, for both substance abuse and co-occurring mental health disorders. ATP participants will be provided access to time-limited recovery supports that help eliminate barriers to treatment and are specific to the participant’s needs, including assistance with housing, transportation, child care, job training, obtaining a driver’s license or state identification card, or any other matter considered relevant by the provider. This, in turn, helps to reduce recidivism, increase public safety, and minimize harm to those who come in contact with law enforcement.

Funding Period:‌




Funding Distribution:

Automatic quarterly distribution for Q1, Q2, Q3 with possible Q4 adjustments.

Reporting Requirements:

A Quarterly report on SFY 2024 will be due to the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services, Bureau of Criminal Justice Services, on or before October 31, 2023, January 31, 2024, April 30, 2024, and July 31, 2024. The report must include the following:

  1. Total number of ATP clients in the docket at the beginning of SFY24

  2. Number of new clients admitted to ATP each Quarter

  3. Total number of ATP clients served by the docket each Quarter

  4. Total unduplicated number of ATP clients served by the docket for the entire SFY24.

  5. Amount of Allocated funds used during the reporting period for Treatment

  6. Amount of Allocated funds used during the reporting period for Recovery Supports

Office and Lead(s):Criminal Justice Services, Kathy Yokum –Kathy.Yokum@mha.ohio.gov

Fund: GRF 4224N‌Appropriation Line Item (ALI): 336422 Criminal Justice Services (CJ Linkage) Program Name: Behavioral Health/Criminal Justice Linkage Program (BH/CJ)

Purpose:These funds are allocated to ADAMH Boards that are currently providing Behavioral Health and Criminal Justice Linkage programming. These programs encourage communities in Ohio to forge collaborative relationships between behavioral health and criminal justice systems to individuals with mental illness and/or alcohol and other drug addiction receive the care they need. This, in turn, helps reduce recidivism, increase public safety, and minimize harm to those who come in to contact with law enforcement.

Eligibility:All local ADAMH Boards that applied for funding are eligible to continue to receive funding.

Funding Period:7/1/2023 – 6/30/2024

Prohibited Expenditures:Funding can be used for treatment, recovery supports, and administrative costs at the provider level.

Other Info:N/A


Fund Distribution:Automatic quarterly distribution for Q1, Q2, Q3 with possible 4thquarter adjustments.

Reporting Requirements:A mid-year and year-end report on SFY 2024 ALI 336422 Criminal Justice Services (CJ Linkage) will be due to the Department of Mental Health and Addiction Service, Bureau of Criminal Justice Services on or before February 15th, 2024, and August 15th, 2024. The report must include the following:

  • Number of individuals with no new arrests.

  • Number of individuals served.

  • Number of staff trained.

  • List type of training(s) staff received.

  • Amount of allocation funds used during the reporting period.

Project outcomes specific to Board project.

Office and Lead(s) Contact Info:Bureau of Criminal Justice Services, Jennifer Roach-Jennifer.Roach@mha.ohio.gov, 614-466-1325

Allocation Guideline FY24 Fund: GRF and MHBG-ARPAAppropriation Line Item: 336422 Criminal Justice Services (Forensic Centers) and 336614 Mental Health Block Grant (MHBG- ARPA)

Program Name: Community Designated Forensic Evaluation Centers


This allocation was developed to provide, through a system of Designated Community Forensic Evaluation Centers, forensic evaluations of defendants to determine competence to stand trial and mental condition at the time of the offense (sanity) for courts of common pleas, general division. These funds are also used to provide post- NGRI evaluations when required by the Court and nonsecured status/“second opinion” evaluations as required by Section 2945.401(D) of the Ohio Revised Code. If time and resources allow, these funds may be used for (a) consultation to Boards, agencies, courts and the criminal justice system, (b) training in effective evaluation and treatment of forensic clients, and (c) assistance in needs assessment for Board and provider planning.


Entities that are “Designated Forensic Evaluation Centers” may apply to renew their designation for 4224C funding according to the provisions of Ohio Administrative Code 5122-32-01. Initial applications are accepted only if a Designated Forensic Evaluation Center chooses not to renew or is no longer designated by the Department for failure to comply with the requirements of this rule.

Prohibited Expenditures:

ALI 336422 funds are not intended for services to courts or agencies other than Courts of Common Pleas, General Division and MHAS regional psychiatric hospitals. Courts of Common Pleas, General Division serve only (a) adults and (b) juveniles who are bound over from the Juvenile Division to the General Division. See the MHBG Allocation guideline for additional prohibited expenditures for MHBG funds.


Automatic quarterly distribution


$4,000,000 GRF

$3,000,000 MHBG APRA - (Reference MHBG prohibited expenditures)

Reporting Requirements:

A portion of the allocation is funded by the ARPA Mental Health Block Grant and may be used for competency to stand trial (CST) evaluations for the courts of common pleas, general division and for workforce recruitment and retainment. For these funds, a year-end review will be due to the Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services, Bureau of Forensic Services. The report shall be included in the Designated Forensic Evaluation Center’s annual report and application. The report must include t•hTehfeolnlouwminbge:r of CST evaluations completed for the courts of common pleas, general division.

  • Describe how the MHBG funding was used towards staff recruitment, hiring, or retainment.

  • Average time frame from date of referral to filing of the report with the Court for the FY.

Office and Lead(s):

Office of the Medical Director – Lisa D. Gordish, PsyD, Director of Forensic Services,Lisa.Gordish@mha.ohio.gov

Fund: GRF and 3A90 MHBGAppropriation Line Item: 336422 Criminal Justice Services (Forensic Monitoring) and 336614 Mental Health Block Grant (MHBG)

Program Name: Community Forensic Risk Management and System Development


These funds are allocated to ADAMH Boards to maintain a unified forensic monitoring and data tracking system as required by Section 5119.29 of the Ohio Revised Code. This involves following the information provided by MHAS in the Forensic Manual regarding the Forensic Monitor’s roles and responsibilities, including performing community risk assessment/management services and reporting quarterly data to the Forensic Tracking and Monitoring System (FTAMS). Each ADAMH Board is responsible to designate a Forensic Monitor, who is responsible to monitor people found Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity or Incompetent to Stand Trial – Unrestorable – under Criminal Court jurisdiction and granted Conditional Release by the trial court. In addition, those ADAMH Boards that are not monitoring such individuals receive funds to perform risk management, diversion, and/or re-entry activities.


All ADAMH Boards receive these funds. No application is necessary. However, Forensic Monitors are required to fulfill the duties as described in the Forensic Manual in order for Boards to receive continued funding.

Prohibited Expenditures:

Funds are to be used to support the work of the Forensic Monitors to monitor individuals on Conditional Release (as defined above) in the county(ies) designated by the Board, including but not limited to costs associated with the use of a validated risk assessment tool. If there are no such individuals in the designated county(ies), funds may be used to perform risk management, diversion, or re-entry activities for people from jails or hospitals. Funds may not be used for any other purpose. See the MHBG Allocation guideline for additional prohibited expenditures for MHBG funds.


Automatic quarterly distribution

Other Information:

Boards are encouraged to adopt the HCR-20 Version 3 violence risk assessment instrument as the tool to be used by forensic monitors and/or designated community providers for community risk assessment and management. If the HCR-20 Version 3 violence risk assessment instrument is not adopted, another validated instrument may be used at the approval of OhioMHAS. For more information contact the program leads, Lisa D. Gordish, Psy.D. or Tara Schultz, LPCC.


$614,829 GRF

$110,000 MHBG- (Reference MHBG prohibited expenditures)

A base amount of $3,519 is allocated to each Board, consistent with FY23 distributions. The remaining funds were divided proportionately among the Boards based on the total number of people from the Board area who were on Conditional Release during FY20-FY22. All Boards receive an additional $2,200 from the federal Mental Health Block Grant; total $110,000. These Block Grant funds are now included in Fed Fund 3A90 336614 Mental Health BG. See the MHBG Allocation guideline for additional prohibited expenditures.

Reporting Requirements:

  • Each Forensic Monitor is required to report data quarterly through the FTAMS, as noted above.

  • Each Board is required to submit an Annual Report on or before September 9, 2024 to the Lead below. The report shall contain the following items:

    • Agency that provided the forensic monitoring services and received the funding;

    • Amount of administrative costs utilized by the Board from these funds;

    • Number of individuals monitored during the fiscal year;

    • Number of individuals who had their Conditional Release revoked;

    • Any other forensic programs/tasks specific to the points above that were implemented with related outcomes;

    • For those ADAMH Boards that do not have individuals being monitored, the report shall describe the activities or services related to risk management, diversion, or re-entry from jails or hospitals;

The name of the validated violence risk assessment instrument being used by the Forensic Monitor and/or designated community providers for people who are Conditionally Released under the jurisdiction of the trial court.

Office and Lead(s):

Office of the Medical Director – Lisa Gordish, Psy.D., Forensic Services Director,Lisa.Gordish@mha.ohio.gov; Tara Schultz, LPCC, Forensic Services Asst. Director,Tara.Schultz@mha.ohio.gov





Community Forensic Monitors data report through FTAMS


Quarterly Report completed by Forensic


Forensic Services- Attn Tara Schultz

Community Forensic Risk Management and

System Development


Report due by 9/9/24

Forensic Services- Attn Lisa Gordish

Fund: GRF and MHBGAppropriation Line Item (ALI): 336422 (Criminal Justice Services/ Outpatient Restoration to Competency) and 336614 Mental Health Block Grant (MHBG)

Program Name: Outpatient Competency Restoration


This allocation was developed to provide, through a system of community-based providers, competency to stand trial restoration services. These services are required statewide by the provisions of R.C.2945.38. The competency restoration services are for adults charged with criminal offenses, who have been found by the criminal court to be not competent to stand trial but restorable if provided with treatment, and who can be effectively and safely provided these services in the community.


Providers were selected from either a Designated Forensic Evaluation Center that had previously provided outpatient competency restoration services or expressed an interest in providing such services, or another community-based provider of mental health service contracted with the primary ADAMHS Board serving the catchment area.

Funding Period:

7/1/23 – 6/30/24

Prohibited Expenditures:

These funds must be used for either the development or expansion of the outpatient competency restoration program including direct competency restoration and recovery services regarding the defendant’s legal situation and court order. Either GRF or MHBG funds may be used for the follow-up competence to stand trial evaluation that must be conducted after a period of restoration, as governed by R.C. 2945.38. Although the funds may be used to serve people charged with any severity of criminal offense, priority should be given to those charged with nonviolent misdemeanors. The funds cannot be used for med-som treatment even if this is for the purpose of competency restoration. The funds also cannot be used for the initial competence to stand trial evaluation. See the MHBG Allocation guideline for additional prohibited expenditures for MHBG funds.


A pass-through allocation will be distributed to ADAMHS Boards who agree to be the fiscal agent for each program. Automatic quarterly disbursem*nt.

Amount:$570,000 GRF

225,000 MHBG (Reference MHBG prohibited expenditures)

Reporting Requirements:

Monthly data reports are required to be submitted from providers to Dr. Gordish at OhioMHAS. Details of these reports have been communicated directly to the program managers.

Office and Lead(s) Contact Info:

Lisa Gordish, PsyD, Director of Forensic Services, lisa.gordish@mha.ohio.gov.

Fund: GRF 422C‌Appropriation Line Item: 336422 Behavioral Health Drug Reimbursem*nt to County Jails Program Name: Behavioral Health Drug Reimbursem*nt to County Jails

(Formerly MAT Medication Reimbursem*nt & Psychotropic Medication Reimbursem*nt)

Purpose:OhioMHAS will provide reimbursem*nt for the cost of certain drugs that are dispensed to inmates of county jails in Ohio. The amount of $5 million has been allotted for SFY 2024.

Eligible drugs include:

  • Antipsychotic medications;

  • Antidepressant medications;

  • Anti-anxiety medications;

  • Mood stabilizing medications; and

Opioid and alcohol treatment medications.

Eligibility:Full-Service County Jails

Funding Period:7/1/2023 through 6/30/2024

Prohibited Expenditures:Funds can only be used for reimbursem*nt of behavioral health medications dispensed to inmates of county jails in Ohio.


Fund Distribution:OhioMHAS will upload payment amounts for each jail in the Grants and Funding Management System. Once processed, the ADAMH Board will receive the funds. For jails that are in multiple ADAMH Board counties, the payment upload will be processed to the Board in the county where the jail is located.

Reporting Requirements:Reimbursem*nt for SFY 2024 shall be submitted by the county sheriff’s office for the following periods identified below. Failure to submit reimbursem*nt requests by the identified dates will result in the request being denied.

  • July 1, 2023 – December 31, 2023 – submitted by February 15, 2024

  • January 1, 2024 – June 30, 2024 – submitted by August 15, 2024

Office and Lead(s) Contact Information:Chris NicastroChristopher.nicastro@mha.ohio.gov


Bureau of Criminal Justice Services

Fund: GRF 4221C‌Appropriation Line Item (ALI): 336422 Criminal Justice Services (Community Transitions) Program Name: Community Transition Program


Purpose:These funds are allocated to ADAMH Boards that are participating in the community Transition Program (CTP). The CTP reduces recidivism and supports the successful recovery and positive long-term outcomes for individuals managing a substance use disorder and/or diagnosed with a serious mental illness as they transition from prison to the community. The CTP provides statewide linkage to treatment services and recovery supports.

Eligibility:All local ADAMH Boards are eligible to receive CTP funds.

Funding Period:7/1/2023 – 6/30/2024

Prohibited Expenditures:Funding can be used for treatment, recovery supports, and administrative costs at the provider level.

Other Info:N/A


Fund Distribution:Automatic quarterly distribution for Q1, Q2, Q3 with possible 4thquarter adjustments.

Reporting Requirements:A mid-year and year-end report on SFY 2024 ALI 336422 Criminal Justice Services (CJ Linkage) will be due to the Department of Mental Health and Addiction Service, Bureau of Criminal Justice Services on or before February 15th, 2024, and August 15th, 2024. The report must include the following:

  • Number of individuals served during the reporting period.

  • Types of behavioral health services provided.

  • Types of recovery supports provided.

  • Amount of funds spent on personnel during the reporting period.

  • Amount of funds spent on treatment services during the reporting period.

  • Amount of funds spent on recovery supports during the reporting period.

  • An abstract of the program.

Office and Lead(s) Contact Info:Bureau of Criminal Justice Services, Jennifer Roach-Jennifer.Roach@mha.ohio.gov, 614-466-1325

Fund: GRFAppropriation Line Item (ALI): 336424 Recovery Housing Program Name: Recovery Housing ($2,500,000)


MHAS is providing funding to 50 Community Behavioral Health Authorities to participate in the Recovery Housing Initiative to expand and sustain new and existing recovery housing capacity throughout Ohio. Recovery Housing is for individuals recovering from substance use disorders and provides an alcohol and drug-free living environment, peer support, assistance with obtaining alcohol and drug addiction services and other recovery assistance (ORC 340.01 (A)(3)). For the purposes of this funding, recovery housing must facilitate multiple pathways to recovery, include peer to peer support, and may include but are not limited to the following: use of medication assisted treatment, use of self- help groups, use of faith-based support, and use of recovery support services.


Eligibility to receive 336424 funding is limited to ADAMH boards having an approved community plan pursuant to ORC Chapters 340 and 5119. All recovery homes must align with the Quality Housing Criteria and have submitted annual report for FY2023 and mid-year FY2023 report by December 31, 2023.

Funding Period:

7/1/2023 – 6/30/24

Prohibited Expenditures:

Funds must be used to assist Recovery Housing that meets Quality Housing Criteria with operating costs including subsidies for residents (rent and utilities). Funds may not be used for costs outside of operations and up to $5,000 per home on minor repairs.

  • Operations (Rent, Utilities, Staffing and recovery housing services).

  • Up to $5000 from the total allocation for minor repairs (These include furniture, small scale improvements and/or repairs.

Amount:$45,900 per ADAMHS Board

Fund Distribution:

50% disbursem*nt in Q1 and 50% disbursem*nt in Q3. Quarter 3 disbursem*nts may be dependent upon existing carryover funding and expenditures made in Quarters 1 and 2.

Reporting Requirements:

Boards are required to complete their Allocation application in GFMS and complete all fiscal reporting requirements. Boards must send completed semi-annual (Due 12.31.2023) and annual reports (Due 6.30.2024) with the following information via survey monkey, including:

  • Names and Address of all Recovery Houses Funded; Total Number of Beds (Capacity); NARR Level of House (I, II, III, IV)

  • Use of Funds (rent and/or operations)

  • Amount of funding received by the home during the time period

Resident outcomes tool through Ohio Recovery Housing must be completed by every resident in the Recovery House that received funds

All recovery homes receiving funding must complete the outcomes tool offered through Ohio Recovery Housing.

Office and Lead(s) Contact Info:Office of Recovery Supports, Kaitlin WaggonerKaitlin.waggoner@mha.ohio.gov614-208-9777

Fund: GRF Appropriation Line Item (ALI): 336424 Recovery Housing Program Name: Recovery Housing ($500,000)


MHAS is adding an additional $500,000 per state fiscal year to increase the operation, capacity and sustainability of Recovery Housing. to 50 Community Behavioral Health Authorities in the Recovery Housing Initiative to expand and sustain new and existing recovery housing capacity throughout Ohio. Recovery Housing is for individuals recovering from substance use disorders and provides an alcohol and drug-free living environment, peer support, assistance with obtaining alcohol and drug addiction services and other recovery assistance (ORC 340.01 (A)(3)). For the purposes of this funding, recovery housing must facilitate multiple pathways to recovery, include peer to peer support, and may include but are not limited to the following: use of medication assisted treatment, use of self- help groups, use of faith-based support, and/or use of recovery support services. These Recovery Housing Initiative funds provide more flexibility than other funding sources. According to the ORH Outcomes Tool 2020 Data Report, 49% of the population served in Recovery Housing has a primary diagnosis of alcohol.

However, the bulk of SUD funding (SOR 1.0, SOR 2.0) excludes use of funds for a primary diagnosis of alcohol, leaving the Recovery Housing Initiative as the most flexible source of funding for the almost 50% of individuals served in Recovery Housing.


Amount:To be determined by application. Total not to exceed $500,000.

Fund Distribution:

50% disbursem*nt in Q1 and 50% disbursem*nt in Q3. Quarter 3 disbursem*nts may be dependent upon existing carryover funding and expenditures made in Quarters 1 and 2.

Reporting Requirements:‌

Boards are required to complete their Allocation application in GFMS and complete all fiscal reporting requirements. Boards must send completed semi-annual (Due 12.31.2023) and annual reports (Due 6.30.2024) with the following information via survey monkey, including:

  • Funding is limited to ADAMH/CMH/ADAS/MHRB Boards that have an approved community plan pursuant to ORC Chapter 340 and 5119.

  • Boards must demonstrate the ability to expend existing Recovery Housing Initiative funds for the last 2 years (FY22 and FY23).

  • Boards must submit FY24 Mid-Year report by 12.31.2023 and FY23 Annual report by 6.30.2024.

  • Priority will be given to boards choosing to expand capacity by working with new providers not currently connected with the Boards.

  • Recovery Housing providers receiving funding through the Boards must meet State or National quality standards for housing (ORH Certification, MHAS Quality Housing Criteria, or other national accreditation).

  • Resident outcomes tool through Ohio Recovery Housing must be completed by every resident in the Recovery House that received funds.

Boards must apply for this funding through an application attesting to the above eligibility requirements.

Funding Period:

7/1/2023 – 6/30/24

Prohibited Expenditures:

Funds must be used to assist Recovery Housing that meets Quality Housing Criteria with operating costs including subsidies for residents (rent and utilities). Funds may not be used for costs outside of operations and up to $5,000 per home on minor repairs.

  • Operations (Rent, Utilities, Staffing and recovery housing services).

  • Up to $5000 from the total allocation for minor repairs (These include furniture, small scale improvements and/or repairs.

  • Names and Address of all Recovery Houses Funded; Total Number of Beds (Capacity); NARR Level of House (I, II, III, IV)‌

  • Use of Funds (rent and/or operations)

  • Amount of funding received by the home during the time period‌

  • Resident outcomes tool through Ohio Recovery Housing must be completed by every resident in the Recovery House that received funds

All recovery homes receiving funding must complete the outcomes tool offered through Ohio Recovery Housing.

Office and Lead(s) Contact Info:Office of Recovery Supports, Kaitlin WaggonerKaitlin.waggoner@mha.ohio.gov614-208-9777

Fund: GRF 4224EAppropriation Line Item: 336425 Specialized Docket Support Program Name: Specialized Dockets Subsidy Project

Purpose:These allocations assist drug courts and other specialized dockets with funding to effectively manage offenders with substance use disorders in the community; thereby reducing commitments to the state prison system. These funds are also used to serve parents charged with abuse/neglect/dependency of their minor children; thereby ending the parents’ cycle of addiction, reducing the need for out-of-home placement for children determined by child protective service agencies to be abused, neglected or dependent, shortening the length of out-of-home placements, improving parenting skills, and increasing the number of children who can be reunited with their parents.

Eligibility:These funds are allocated to ADAMH Boards that currently have certified specialized dockets having previously received allocation awards from MHAS.

Funding Period:7/1/2023 through 6/30/2024

Prohibited Expenditures:Expenditures are limited to those listed on the “Specialized Dockets Project – Allowable Expenses” document which can be found at:https://mha.ohio.gov/static/CommunityPartners/criminal-justice/CourtResources/Specialized-Dockets-Allowable-Expenses.pdf


Fund Distribution:One-time allocation distribution made in the first quarter of the state fiscal year. Because these funds are largely used to pay for salaries/fringe benefits of specialized dockets staff, please forward the payment to each respective court in one lump sum in the first quarter of SFY 2024.

The courts receiving these funds must have achieved certification from the Supreme Court of Ohio and submitted the required documentation to the Department before their allocations will be forwarded to their respective Boards. Courts that have multiple specialized dockets must submit documentation of certification for each docket before their allocations will be forwarded to their Boards.

Reporting Requirements:A mid-year and year-end survey for SFY 2024 will be sent to the awarded specialized dockets by the Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services, Bureau of Criminal Justice Services, on or before January 10, 2024, and July 1, 2024. The mid-year survey report is due by January 31, 2024. The year-end survey report is due by July 31, 2024. The survey captures expenditure data as well as the following:

  • Total number of clients carried over in the specialized docket from the previous reporting period

  • Number of clients admitted

  • Number of clients successful completing the docket

  • Number of clients maintained in the program

  • Number of clients arrested for a new offense

  • Number of clients admitted to DRC/DYS

  • Number of children reunified with parents (family drug courts only)

Office and Lead(s) Contact Information:

Criminal Justice Services, Joani Moore –Joani.Moore@mha.ohio.gov(614) 752-7385

Fund: 5TZ0 Appropriation Line Item: 336600 Stabilization Centers (SUD Crisis Stabilization) Program Name: Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Crisis Stabilization Centers


The Substance Abuse Stabilization funding shall be used to establish and administer, in collaboration with the other boards that serve the same state psychiatric hospital region, substance use stabilization centers. Boards may use these funds in conjunction with MH Crisis Stabilization Funds to establish and administer crisis stabilization centers that have the ability to serve individuals with substance use and/or mental health needs. There should be at a minimum one center located in each state psychiatric hospital region. This line item can be used to fund services for those not eligible for Medicaid reimbursem*nt or fund services and supports that are not Medicaid reimbursable. Examples of such services can be found in ORC 340.032.


A total of $6,000,000 will be disseminated state‐wide for Substance Abuse Crisis Stabilization Centers. Of the total, $1,000,000 will be disseminated annually to each regional collaborative to the Board area(s) indicated by the collaborative.

Regional collaboratives shall submit a plan, subject to approval by the Department, for use of these funds in conjunction with the mental health crisis stabilization center funding (Fund GRF ALI 336421 – Continuum of Care) to provide an effective range of crisis services.




The Boards are required to submit a single Crisis System Update to the department along with the annual update of the Community Assessment and Plan, by February 15, 2024 and February 17, 2025. The update should include:

  • A description of the current and planned county Crisis Response system

  • The planned use of the full Crisis package (MH/SUD Crisis Stabilization, Crisis Flex, and Crisis Infrastructure funds)

  • Annual outcome data.

The Boards should include expenditures associated with crisis funds on the FIS‐040 Actuals report as a separate column specific to this funding stream (SUD Crisis Funds).

Office and Lead(s):

Office of Community Planning and Collaboration, Crisis Systems Administrator, Michelle Allison‐Smith, Michelle.Allison‐Smith@mha.ohio.gov

Office of Community Planning and Collaboration, Assistant Director, Jamie Carmichael.Jamie.Carmichael@mha.ohio.gov

Fund: 3A70 Appropriation Line Item (ALI): 33661Program Name: Title XX - 2023 Social Services Block Grant 4221C CFDA# (If federally funded): 93.667

Purpose:The Social Services Block Grant (SSBG) is a flexible funding source that allows States and Territories to tailor social service programming to their population’s needs. Through the SSBG States provide essential social services that help achieve a myriad of goals to reduce dependency and promote self-sufficiency; protect children and adults from neglect, abuse and exploitation; and help individuals who are unable to take care of themselves to stay in their homes or to find the best institutional arrangements.

Funds should be used to provide community mental health services to address the Title XX Goals of:

  • Self-Support

  • Self-Sufficiency

  • Preventing Neglect, Abuse, and Exploitation

  • Preserving Families

  • Community-Based Care

Eligibility:Boards must have signed the SFY 2024 OhioMHAS Assurances to apply for this funding. Additional requirements and instructions on applying for Title XX Funds will be included in the department’s official Title XX Plan and Instruction Letter, which will be published to the OhioMHAS website at: (https://mha.ohio.gov/supporting-providers/apply-for-funding/reporting-forms/2023-title-xx-annual-plan)

Funding Period:10/1/2023 – 9/30/2024 (Federal Fiscal Year)

Amount:7,363,834.00 (FY24 Amount is subject to change based on availability of federal funds)

Fund Distribution:Funds are distributed quarterly as allocation via GFMS.

Reporting Requirements:Please reference instruction letter for the completion of the Social Services Block Grant (SSBG - Title XX) Annual Report sent directly to Boards

Office and Lead(s) Contact Info:Program Lead and questions:Scott.Wingenfeld@mha.ohio.govFiscal Lead and questionsCindy.Williams@mha.ohio.gov

Fund: 3A90‌Appropriation Line Item: 336614 Mental Health Block Grant (MHBG) Program Name: Federal Block Grant Base to ADAMH/CMH Boards – CFDA 93.958‌

Federal fund distributions to Ohio are subject to change without advance notice. Consequently, In theevent of federal changes, allocations to boards may also change.


The purpose of Block Grant funds is to provide services and programs for adults with serious mental illness (SMI) and children and youth with serious emotional disturbance (SED) by appropriate, qualified community mental health providers or consumer operated services.

Block Grant funds for forensic monitoring ($2,200 per Board) is now contained in this line item (336614). Each Board should ensure that no less than $2,200 is used for forensic monitoring purposes. If a Board does not have any individuals requiring forensic monitoring, then the funds may be used for risk management, diversion, or reentry from hospitals or jails. Forensic monitoring assists people who have a severe mental illness and who have been granted conditional release by the court to live successfully in the community and work toward recovery through the provision of behavioral health and risk management services.

SAMHSA Framework for Planning- OhioMHAS encourages ADAMH/CMH Boards to consider this framework when budgeting these funds for services for persons with SMI or SED:

  • Criterion 1: Comprehensive Community-Based Mental Health Service Systems:

  • Criterion 2: Mental Health System Data Epidemiology: Contains an estimate of the incidence and prevalence of SMI among adults and SED among children; and have quantitative targets to be achieved in the implementation of the system of care described under Criterion 1.

  • Criterion 3: Children’s Services: Provides for a system of integrated services in order for children to receive care for their multiple needs.

  • Criterion 4: Targeted Services to Rural and Homeless Populations and to Older Adults: Provides outreach to and services for individuals who experience homelessness; community- based services to older adults.

Criterion 5: Management Systems: Describe financial resources, staffing, and training for mental health services providers necessary for the plan; provide for training of providers of emergency health services regarding SMI and SED.

Eligibility:ADAMHS/ADAS Boards that have submitted a Community Assessment Plan to OhioMHAS and completed the Agreements and Assurances document. This includes proof of insurance, proof of audit, and completing Attachment 4, a list of all community mental health providers and other nonprofit organizations in your Board area that are contracted entities.

Funding Period:10/1/2023 – 9/30/2024 (Federal Fiscal Year)

Prohibited Expenditures:

Federal Community Mental Health Block Grant funds may not be used to:

  • Provide inpatient services;

  • Make cash payments to intended recipients of health services;

  • Purchase or improve land, purchase, construct, or permanently improve (other than minor remodeling) any building or other facility, or purchase major medical equipment

  • Satisfy any requirement for the expenditure of non-Federal funds as a condition of the receipt of Federal funds;

  • Provide financial assistance to any entity other than a public or nonprofit entity;

  • Fund research (funds may be used for evaluation of programs and services);

  • Supplant activities funded by other SAMHSA Grants; and

  • Fund lobbying activities intended to influence the Ohio Legislature or Congress

Reimbursem*nt:Automatic quarterly distribution via Grants and Funds Management System (GFMS)

Amount: $7,610,000 Distribution:See Attachment 1

Reporting Requirements:Boards are required to complete their Allocation application in GFMS and complete all fiscal reporting requirements. Early Serious Mental Illness (ESMI) set-aside programs must report client-level data (NOMS) via the FEPIS or other system, and are required to complete the annual reporting survey in October.

Office and Lead(s):

Bureau of Grants Administration, Scott Wingenfeld- Scott.Wingenfeld@mha.ohio.gov, 614-466-7450

Fund: 3A90 & 3G40 Appropriation Line Item (ALI): 336614 & 336618 Program Name: Block Grant COVID Mitigation Funds CFDA# (If federally funded): 93.958 & 93.959

Purpose:These funds should be used to support behavioral health providers within your local continuum of care in mitigating the effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on day-to-day operations. Examples of allowable activities or uses include: COVID Testing, PPE purchases, contact tracing, healthy environment maintenance, BH services to contact tracers, healthy behavior promotion, installing barriers and other temporary structures to prevent spread, BH services for individuals in short term housing who are at high risk of contacting COVID.

Please see attached guidance letter from SAMHSA Assistant Secretary for additional guidance and more examples of allowable activities.

Eligibility:All Boards, community mental health providers, and other nonprofit organizations are eligible to receive Mental Health Block Grant funds.

Funding Period: Period of Performance - 9/1/21 – 9/30/25

Prohibited Expenditures:Costs already paid for by other federal or state programs, other federal or state COVID-19 funds, or prior COVID-19 supplemental funding.

  • Any activity related to purchasing, disseminating, or administering COVID-19 vaccines.

  • Construction projects.

  • Support of lobbying/advocacy efforts.

  • Facility or land purchases.

  • COVID-19 mitigation activities conducted prior to 9/1/2021.

  • Financial assistance to an entity other than a public or nonprofit private entity.

Reimbursem*nt:Automatic distribution-funds have already been distributed to Boards, but are stillwithin the federal period of performance.

Reporting Requirements:Annual Report and Guidance Attestation due every December 1stuntil all funds are disbursed. This report must detail the amount disbursed to all subawardees along with a summary of activities funded using this allocation. (Template Included, see attached)

Included in the report template is an attestation that must be signed understanding of the allowable and non-allowable activities related to these Block Grant COVID Mitigation Funds. This document should be uploaded to the Board GFMS Allocation Application-Allocation Documentation section (see below). No disbursem*nts will be made until this is submitted.

Amount: MHBG COVID Mitigation Award – $1,532,002

SABG COVID Mitigation Award - $1,447,726 Total - $2,979,728

Office and Lead(s) Contact Info:Office of Community Planning and Collaboration, Scott Wingenfeld-Scott.Wingenfeld@mha.ohio.gov, 614-466-7450

Mental Health Block Grant (MHBG) Funding Appropriation Line Item (ALI): 336614 Mental Health Court Program (MHCP) CFDA#: 93.958‌‌‌

Purpose and Eligibility:

The MHCP funds behavioral health treatment and recovery support services to clients who are involved with selected Adult Mental Health dockets with at least initial certification. Awarded funds will be allocated to the ADAMHS Boards and passed through to the Mental Health Court to be used to finance treatment and recovery support services for eligible clients, 10% of funds may be used for Court administrative support. Treatment for MHCP clients is to be provided by a community behavioral health services provider certified by OhioMHAS. Time-limited recovery supports may be utilized to help eliminate barriers to treatment and are specific to the participant’s needs. Participating Mental Health dockets will be responsible for collecting and reporting data related to funding usage and client treatment and outcomes.

Funding Period:

7/1/2023 to 6/30/2024

Prohibited Expenditures:

Federal Block Grant funds may not be used to: 1. Provide inpatient Hospital services; 2. Make cash payments to intended recipients of health services; 3. Purchase or improve land, purchase, construct, or permanently improve (other than minor remodeling) any building or other facility, or purchase major medical equipment; 4. Satisfy any requirement for the expenditure of non-Federal funds as a condition of the receipt of Federal funds; 5. Provide financial assistance to any entity other than a public or nonprofit entity; 6. Fund research (funds may be used for evaluation of programs and services); 7. Supplant activities funded by other SAMHSA Grants; and 8. Fund lobbying activities intended to influence the Ohio Legislature or Congress


Automatic one-time distribution in quarter one.

Amount MHBG: $200,000

Reporting Requirements:

  • A 6 month report for FY24 will be due to the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services, Bureau of Criminal Justice Services, on or before January 31, 2024 for the time period of July 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023; and a 6 month report due by July 31, 2024 for the time period of January 1, 2024 to June 30, 2024. The report must include the following:

    • Total number of MHCP clients in the docket at the beginning of FY24

    • Number of new clients admitted to MHCP during each 6 month time period

    • Total number of MHCP clients served by the docket during each 6 month time period

    • Total number of clients discharged (separate count for each: successfully, unsuccessfully, and neutrally) during the reporting period.

    • Amount of MHCP funds used during the reporting period for Treatment.

    • Amount of MHCP funds used during the reporting period for Recovery Supports.

Office and Lead(s):

Criminal Justice Services, Kathy Yokumkathy.yokum@mha.ohio.gov

Fund: 3A90 Mental Health Block Grant Appropriation Line Item (ALI): 336614

Program Name: ODOD SHP Housing Match (formerly DSA Housing) CFDA# (If federally funded): 93.958

Purpose:The match grant offers the opportunity for interested and qualified Permanent Supportive Housing and Transitional Housing entities serving individuals who are mentally ill or have co-occurring disorders and are homeless to participate in the ODOD Supportive Housing Program. The match program offers up to half of the amount of ODOD’s local match requirement which is 50% of the requested SHP grant

Eligibility Requirements:

  • Provider Organizations must demonstrate the ability to secure at least half of ODOD’s required local match

  • The SHP program must serve SMD and/or SUD individuals/families

  • The Provider Organization must partner with the local ADAMHS/MHRB Board: The funds are allocated to the Provider Organization through the local ADAMH/MHRB Boards; therefore, the Provider Organization must work with and obtain support from the local Board to receive these funds on their behalf.

Funding Period:July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024

Prohibited Expenditures:See Block Grant Restrictions

Other Info:Once a Pre-application has been received and is reviewed to ensure that it meets eligibility criteria for match funds, OhioMHAS will issue a Pre-Application Commitment letter. A copy of the Letter should be included in the application submission to the Ohio Department of Development. The commitment letter is only valid if the Program(s) is/are funded by ODOD. OhioMHAS reserves the right to reduce the commitment. OhioMHAS match funding is subject to availability of funds. OhioMHAS may reduce pre-application commitments on a pro rata basis to keep its total commitment to the amount of allocated funds. Also, OhioMHAS awards will be based on ODSA's final award amount. For example, if ODOD decreases to the final award amount, OhioMHAS with do likewise and the reverse is also true provided funding is available. Once ODOD announces final awards, OhioMHAS will determine how many projects requested match were funded; in January 2023, the funds will be released to the Board(s). All of OhioMHAS’s funds must be expended in the first year of the two-year grant and all funds should be drawn down no later than June 30, 2024.


Fund Distribution:Funds are distributed automatically January, 2024

Office and Lead(s) Contact Info:Susan Tafrate,susan.tafrate@mha.ohio.gov , 614.466.9955.

Fund Code: 3G40Appropriation Line Item: 336618 Substance Use Prevention Treatment and Recovery Supports Block Grant (SUPTRS) Formerly SAPT Block Grant

Program Name: Community Investments Treatment 4221C– CFDA 93.959


The goal of this program allocation is to ensure local access to quality and cost-effective substance use disorder (SUD) services based on community needs. At the local level, the Alcohol, Drug Addiction and Mental Health Services/Alcohol and Drug Services (ADAMHS/ADAS) Boards identify needs, establish priorities, and set targets.

This funding should be utilized consistent with the goal and priorities identified in the approved ADAMHS/ADAS Boards community plans, budget, and statement of services.

SAMHSA Framework for Planning– OhioMHAS encourages ADAMH/CMH Boards to consider this framework when budgeting these funds for services for persons with SUD

  • Criterion 1: Plan for Substance Use Disorder Prevention, Treatment and Recovery Services for Individuals, Families and Communities (42 U.S.C. § 300x- 21 and 45 CFR § 96.122) •

  • Criterion 2: Primary Prevention (42 U.S.C. § 300x-22(a) and 45 CFR §96.125).

  • Criterion 3: Pregnant Women and Women with Dependent Children (42 U.S.C. § 300x- 22(b); 42 U.S.C. § 300x-27; 45 CFR § 96.124(c) (e); and 45 CFR §96.131).

  • Criterion 4: Persons Who Inject Drugs (42 U.S.C. § 300x-23 and 45 CFR §96.126).

  • Criterion 5: Tuberculosis Services (42 U.S.C. § 300x-24(a) and 45 CFR §96.127).

  • Criterion 7: Referrals to Treatment (42 U.S.C. § 300x-28(a) and 45 CFR § 96.132(a) and Coordination of Ancillary Services (42 U.S.C. § 300x-28(c) and 45 CFR § 96.132(c).

  • Criterion 8: Professional Development (42 U.S.C. § 300x-28(b) and 45 CFR § 96.132(b)

Eligibility:ADAMHS/ADAS Boards that have submitted a Community Plan to OhioMHAS and completed the Agreements and Assurances document. This includes proof of insurance, proof of audit, and completing Attachment 4, a list of all community behavioral health providers and other nonprofit organizations in your Board area that are contracted entities.

Funding Period:10/1/2023 – 9/30/2024 (Federal Fiscal Year)

Prohibited Expenditures:

Federal Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block funds may not be used to:

  • Provide inpatient services;

  • Make cash payments to intended recipients of health services;

  • Purchase or improve land, purchase, construct, or permanently improve (other than

    minor remodeling) any building or other facility, or purchase major medical equipment

  • Satisfy any requirement for the expenditure of non-Federal funds as a condition of the receipt of Federal funds;

  • Provide financial assistance to any entity other than a public or nonprofit entity;

  • Fund research (funds may be used for evaluation of programs and services);

  • Supplant activities funded by other SAMHSA Grants; and

Fund lobbying activities intended to influence the Ohio Legislature or Congress

Reimbursem*nt:Automatic quarterly distribution via Grants and Funds Management System (GFMS)




See Attachment 1

Reporting Requirements:Boards are required to complete their Allocation application in GFMS and complete all fiscal reporting requirements. Boards are also required to submit their 90% SUD Treatment Capacity Reports each quarter and annual Tuberculosis MOE Report.

Office and Lead(s):

Bureau of Grants Administration, Scott Wingenfeld - Scott.Wingenfeld@mha.ohio.gov, 614-466-7450

Fund Code: 3G40Appropriation Line Item: 336618 Substance Use Prevention Treatment and Recovery Supports Block Grant (SUPTRS) Formerly SAPT Block Grant

Program Name: Prevention Per Capita 4253C – CFDA 93.959


Prevention focuses on preventing or delaying the onset of behavioral health problems (e.g. substance abuse, addiction and problem gambling). Prevention services are a planned sequence of culturally appropriate, science-driven strategies intended to increase knowledge and skills and facilitate attitude and behavior change for individuals and communities. These services do not include clinical assessment, treatment or recovery support services.

The purpose of these funds is to provide funding to area providers and programs through the ADAMHS/ADAS Boards to support the development and implementation of a comprehensive array of primary prevention interventions to meet the needs of their communities. The OhioMHAS Prevention Guidance Document, found in the Prevention Strategic Planhttps://mha.ohio.gov/static/learnandfindhelp/PreventionServices/prevention-strategic-plan.pdfprovides the guidelines for the delivery of this service array.

OhioMHAS prevention allocation shall be used by the boards consistent with local community plans and approved budgets. Strategies should be selected based on the assessment of needs, resources and readiness conducted as part of the community planning process to ensure funded prevention interventions will address community risk and protective factors that either complicate or mitigate substance use and other risk behaviors.

Eligibility:ADAMHS/ADAS Boards that have submitted a Community Plan to OhioMHAS and completed the Agreements and Assurances document. This includes proof of insurance, proof of audit, and completing Attachment 4, a list of all community behavioral health providers and other nonprofit organizations in your Board area that are contracted entities.

Funding Period:10/1/2023-9/30/2024 (Federal Fiscal Year)

Prohibited Expenditures:

Federal Substance Use Prevention Treatment and Recovery Support Block Grant funds may not be used to:

  • to provide inpatient hospital services, with limited exceptions; seestatute

  • to make cash payments to intended recipients of health services;

  • to purchase or improve land, purchase, construct, or permanently improve(other than minor remodeling) any building or other facility, or purchase major medical equipment;

  • to satisfy any requirement for the expenditure of non-Federal funds as a condition for the receipt of Federal funds;

  • to provide financial assistance (“grants”) to any entity other than a public or nonprofit private entity;

  • Supplant activities funded by other SAMHSA Grants

Purchase, prescribe, or provide marijuana or treatment using marijuana to treat Substance Use Disorder

Reimbursem*nt:Automatic quarterly distribution via Grants and Funds Management System (GFMS)



See Attachment 1.

The amount each ADAMHS/ADAS Board should spend for prevention is indicated in a separate column.

Note: For funding purposes the Prevention Services allocation and the Youth Led allocations have been combined into one Prevention allocation. The 2024 FIS 040 budget will however, still have a Youth Led Prevention column separate.

Youth Led Programming is a comprehensive approach to addressing the emotional and behavioral health of youth and is a sound investment in meaningful youth involvement in community prevention efforts. Youth Led Programs should empower youth emotionally, cognitively, and behaviorally so they can influence social and political systems that affect their lives.

These funds should be used by ADAMHS/ADAS Boards to support youth led programs that utilize the evidence -based Youth Empowerment Conceptual Framework, which addresses individual and group level change, allows youth to develop a data driven strategic plan and select a problem of focus in their community, then choose an evidence-based strategy to implement. Minimum spending should be at the 2021 levels.

All entities receiving these funds should have an application including an implementation plan in the GFMS system approved by the Board so that data can be collected per the SABG reporting requirements. Boards may not provide funding to any entity that does not have an approved application in the GFMS system.

Reporting Requirements:

Boards are required to complete their Allocation application in GFMS and complete all fiscal reporting requirements.

Office and Lead(s):

Office of Prevention and Wellness, Molly Stone –Molly.Stone@mha.ohio.gov

Office of Financial Management, Dex Stanger –Dex.Stanger@mha.ohio.gov

Fund: COVID Relief Funds – Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant Appropriation Line Item (ALI): 336618

Program Name: Alcohol Use Disorder Treatment Program CFDA# 93.958

Purpose:OhioMHAS is granting funds to expand the use of innovative approaches to treat persons with alcohol use/misuse disorder (AUD). OhioMHAS seeks to grant ADAMHS Boards funding to utilize new programming or fund existing programming that will focus on adults (21+) who are actively misusing or abusing alcohol. Persons appropriate for this programming may come from any of the areas within Prochaska & DiClemente’s Stages of Change. ADAMHS Boards may consider using funding to support innovative programming, gap funding to cover expenses not otherwise covered by third- party insurance, co-pays, transportation costs, childcare services to allow attendance for behavioral health treatment, or technology costs to help patients connect with treatment (e.g., web applications, medical devices).

Eligibility:ADAMHS Boards who have applied for funding are eligible for funding.

Funding Period:1/21/2021 – 3/14/2024 (If COVID NCE Approved)

Prohibited Expenditures:‌

Federal Substance Abuse Block Grant funds may not be used to:

  • Provide inpatient services;

  • Make cash payments to intended recipients of health services;

  • Purchase or improve land, purchase, construct, or permanently improve (other than minor remodeling) any building or other facility, or purchase major medical equipment

  • Satisfy any requirement for the expenditure of non-Federal funds as a condition of the receipt of Federal funds;

  • Provide financial assistance to any entity other than a public or nonprofit entity;

  • Fund research (funds may be used for evaluation of programs and services);

  • Supplant activities funded by other SAMHSA Grants;

  • Fund lobbying activities intended to influence the Ohio Legislature or Congress;

  • Purchase naloxone;

  • Used to exceed salary limitation: The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2016 (Pub. L.113-76) signed into law on January 10, 2016, limits the salary amount that may be awarded and charged to SAMHSA grants and cooperative agreements. Award funds may not be used to pay the salary of an individual at a rate in excess of Executive Level II. The Executive Level II salary can be found in SAMHSA’s standard terms and conditions for all awards athttps://www.samhsa.gov/grants/grants-management/notice-award-noa/standard-terms-conditions. This amount reflects an individual’s base salary exclusive of fringe and any income that an individual may be permitted to earn outside of the duties to the applicant organization. This salary limitation also applies to sub awards/subcontracts under a SAMHSA grant or cooperative agreement;

  • Pay for any lease beyond the project period;

  • Provide residential or outpatient treatment services when the facility has not yet been acquired, sited, approved, and met all requirements for human habitation and services provision;

  • Provide detoxification services unless it is part of the transition to MAT with extended-release naltrexone;

  • Make direct payments to individuals to enter treatment or continue to participate in prevention, treatment or recovery supports services including the use of other items to serve as payments for participation in programming such as clothing, furnishings, or vehicle repairs;

  • Provide meals and snacks;

  • Support non-evidence-based treatment approaches;

  • Cover unallowable costs associated with the use of federal funds to fund evidence-based practices (EBPs). Other sources of funds may be used for unallowable costs (e.g., meals, sporting events, entertainment) associated with the EBP. Other support is defined as funds or resources, whether federal, non-federal or institutional, in direct support of activities through fellowships, gifts, prizes, or in-kind contributions;

  • Pay for travel to a conference, lodging or associated costs (meals, incidentals, etc.) for conference attendance or registration for a conference;

  • Pay for costs (including travel) associated with training;

  • Pay for equipment (items that exceed $5,000 in cost) without prior approval;

  • Pay for software enhancements;

  • Pay for marketing of programs or groups;

  • Support primary prevention activities;

  • Supplement travel expenses of any kind unless travel is to provide direct client services. Travel mileage must be at the Ohio OBM rate; and

  • Support housing that is not habitable at the time of the application for funds.

Amount:Please refer to Attachment 1 for specific per Board awards.

Distribution:One-time disbursem*nt

Reporting Requirements:Please refer to Attachment 2 for reporting requirements. Please have any awardees fill out the attachment at each patient's intake and each patient's discharge. Awardees should submit an updated spreadsheet every three months torichard.massatti@mha.ohio.gov. The start date for the first submission is April 1, 2022.

Office and Lead(s) Contact Info:Rick Massatti,Richard.massatti@mha.ohio.gov, 614.752.8718

Fund Code: 5JL0 - Appropriation Line Item: 336629 Problem Gambling and Addictions Program Name: Gambling Addictions


The purpose of this allocation is to fund Problem Gambling prevention, screening, treatment, and recovery services for all Ohioans and specifically for those individuals experiencing gambling disorders, and/or other co‐occurring substance use disorders or mental disorders and client family members, including individuals who may be “at risk” for developing gambling disorders. These funds are to be utilized consistent with the language in the Ohio Constitution Article 15 Section 06.

Allocations from the Problem Gambling and Addictions Fund will be distributed quarterly to ADAMH Boards. The funds are expected to be used in the community with 50 percent directed toward problem gambling prevention and 50 percent for identification and treatment of gambling disorder and/or other co‐occurring substance use disorders or mental disorders.

Analysis of the Ohio Gambling Survey 2017 indicated the need for prevention of problem gambling, awareness building, and screening and treatment of Ohioans with gambling disorder‐‐ including a high co‐occurrence between at‐risk/problem gambling with substance use disorder and/or depression/anxiety. A Board may request a waiver from the Department to use the Problem Gambling and Addictions Fund dollars in different percentages (waiver requests should be emailed tomilan.karna@mha.ohio.gov). Please note that gambling disorder screening and treatment services for any Ohioan who presents at a certified addiction or mental health treatment provider must be covered by the Problem Gambling and Addictions Fund dollars if there is no other payer source. This applies to Gambling Disorder as a primary, secondary, or tertiary diagnosis and to family members of a person affected.

To ensure that Ohioans and their families who need Problem Gambling services have access to those services at no cost, OhioMHAS maintains a Treatment Shortfall Fund that is available on a limited basis to any county that has used its Gambling Treatment funding to treat clients with Gambling Disorder and/or their family members. There is an application for this funding that requires details of the number of clients served; average cost per client; average number of sessions per client. The Treatment Shortfall Fund Request form may be requested from the staff members listed below.

To assist Boards in planning for services, resources are posted on the MHAS website:https://mha.ohio.gov/get‐help/get‐help‐now/problem‐gambling‐resources. Pursuant to ORC 5119.47, all treatment and prevention services provided under programs supported by the Problem Gambling and Addictions Fund shall be services that are provided by programs certified by OhioMHAS.


$3,788,863 ($1,894,432 – Prevention / $1,894,431 – Treatment)


Automatic quarterly distribution

Reporting Requirements:

Each Board is required to file a mid‐year (due 1/31/24) and annual (due 7/31/24) report describing the use of the problem gambling funds. Data related to Prevention Services must be entered online into the MHAS Grant and Funding Management System (GFMS). Problem Gambling Treatment client reporting will continue to use the paper reporting form foundHERE.

The Department reserves the right to modify these allocations due to changes in the Department funding due to revenue fluctuation in gambling receipts or other like circ*mstances.

Office and Lead(s):

Problem Gambling Services, Milan Karna‐milan.karna@mha.ohio.gov

Office of Prevention Services, Stacey Frohnapfel‐Hasson, Chief‐Stacey.Frohnapfel@mha.ohio.gov

Fund: 5TZ0 Appropriation Line Item: 336643 ADAMH Boards (Crisis Flex) Program Name: Crisis Flexible Funds


The Crisis Flex Funds are intended to support the needs of individuals and families as they arise to prevent or stabilize a substance use or mental health crisis by providing flexible resources to local communities to fund direct crisis stabilization and crisis prevention support. These funds may be used to meet the intermittent needs of individuals and families to help them successfully maintain their recovery with the least restrictive, lowest cost possible and support families as they experience family members in crisis.

The funding also provides the flexibility to support the local system to enhance their crisis continuum. This funding can be used to fill the gaps in services and supports for the individuals and families experiencing a crisis (e.g. housing supports, general assistance, family supports, clinical and non‐clinical services not reimbursed by another payor, transportation, peer respite, mobile crisis teams, peer support/peer navigators, text lines, crisis stabilization staff, prevention, etc.).

The funding allows the local system to identify and fund the services and supports that are critical to supporting individuals and families as they experience a crisis.

This funding is to be used to assist people or fund crisis services for those not eligible for Medicaid reimbursem*nt, or services and supports that are not Medicaid reimbursable. Examples of such services can be found in ORC 340.03 (A) (11).


Two semi‐annual disbursem*nts.



Each Board receives a base amount of $40,000, totaling $2,000,000, with the remaining $4,000,000 funding being allocated by board area population.


The Boards are required to submit a single Crisis Services Update to the department in with the annual update of the Community Assessment and Plan, by February 15, 2024, and February 17, 2025. The update should include:

  • A description of the current and planned county Crisis Response system

  • The planned use of the full Crisis package (MH/SUD Crisis Stabilization, Crisis Flex, and Crisis Infrastructure funds)

  • Annual outcome data.

The Boards should include expenditures associated with crisis flex funds on the FIS‐040 Actuals report as a separate column specific to this funding stream (Crisis Flex Funds).

Office and Lead(s):

Office of Community Planning and Collaboration, Crisis Systems Administrator, Michelle Allison‐Smith, MichelleAllison‐Smith@mha.ohio.gov

Office of Community Planning and Collaboration, Assistant Director, Jamie Carmichael.Jamie.Carmichael@mha.ohio.gov.

Fund: 5TZ0 and GRF‌ Appropriation Line Item: 336643 ADAMHS Boards (Additional Investments) Program Name: Additional Community Investment


Per 337.140 of 134thG.A. Am. Sub. H.B. 110, $5,000,000 shall be disbursed by providing Board areas $50,000 for each of the counties that are part of the Board’s district, with any funds remaining from this allocation for this purpose to be distributed based on a formula developed by the agency. In addition, $2,000,000 from GRF ALI 336421 will be disbursed to each Board using an equal amount for each county in the Board area.


One‐time allocation distribution made in the first quarter of the state fiscal year, specific timing subject to fund availability in 5TZ0.


$5,000,000 (Fund 5TZ0, ALI 336643)

$2,000,000 (GRF, ALI 336421)

Reporting:Expenditures should be reported on the FIS‐040

Office and Lead(s):Office of Financial Management, Dex StangerDex.Stanger@mha.ohio.gov


Required Report

Due Date


FIS 040s (aka Board Level Reports)

FIS 040‐Budgets (for SFY 2024)


Upload in GFMS along with application

FIS 040‐Actuals (for SFY 2023)


Annual Questionnaire


Annual Audits

FYE June 30th


FYE September 30th


FYE December 31st


Provider Audit Checklist

FYE June 30th


30 Days after Audit Due

FYE September 30th


30 Days after Audit Due

FYE December 31st


30 Days after Audit Due


September 15th, 2023 Update

  • Added amounts to 336406 Prevention Services Allocation General Board Allocation

  • Added amounts to 336406 Prevention Services Evidence Based Allocation

  • Replaced Criminal Justice Forensic Allocations 336422 – Forensic Centers, Forensic Monitoring, Outpatient Competency Restoration with new updated Guidelines

  • Updated 336614 Mental Health Court – MHBG Allocation final amount

  • Updated 336422 Behavioral Health/Criminal Justice Linkage Program Allocation final amount

  • Updated 336422 Community Transition Program Allocation final amount

FY24 Allocation Guidelines (2024)
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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

Birthday: 1998-02-19

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Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.