The News Journal from Wilmington, Delaware (2024)

EYERY EVENING MINGTON, DELAWARE, MONDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1920. OF A DAY FROM THE STATE Miss Annie Rench of Lewes, for Years a School Teacher, I Retires From Service. CARNIVAL BIG SUCCESS Ex-Congressman Henry A. Houston Found Unconscious at Home, Stricken by Paralysis. From Every Evening's Correspondent.

Georgetown, Oct. 4. -Former gressman Henry A. Houston of Millsboro, eight miles south of this city, to his home suffering from a stroke of paralysis. When he was stricken no one seems to know, for at the time all his family were away.

It was not until his wife, who was visiting her daughter, Mrs. Steve Toadvine, in Wilmington, had called some friends Millsboro, by telephone, to ascertain ants whereabouts, that a search was made and he was found in bed at his home in an unconscious condition. Mr. Houston was supposed to have gone to his wife last Tuesday, and on Thursday, when called friends by telephone, they could give her no 10- formation also his whereabouts until the searca was made and was found crit.cally ill at his home. TO STORE SWEET POTATOES.

Georgetown, Oct. in Southern Delaware are making extensive preparations for the construction of storage buildings to house the enormous potato crop which is expected to proof, harvested. One of the largest in this section of the county is now being erected at Frankford by George A. Carev. One with a capacity of several thousand hampers has been completed at Millsby Collins Ryan, while additions are being made to several in the county.

The success in keeping the potatoes will depend to a great extent on weather conditions. If prices prevail at a good figure in the large city markets at the time the potatoes are taken out hundreds of hampers will be shipped without being placed in storage houses. SUDDENLY DROPPED DEAD. Georgetown. Oct.

J. West, aged about 70 years, residing in Collinsville, a Georgetown suburb, a dropped dead at noon, Saturday, within short distance of his home while returning from Georgetown-co*kesbury highway unloading plant, were he had been emploved for some time. He seemingly was in good health up to the time he was stricken and had only quit work about ten minutes before. SUSSEX COUNTY NOTES. Georgetown, Oct.

from 3 bievele by being run into by a team, Ebe Rust sustained severe injuries to his leg and now is confined to his home an North Race street. The first church in this section to announce the opening of revival meetings in co*kesbury M. E. Church on the Bridgeville-Georgetown road. The meetings will be under the direction of Rev.

E. H. Marshall, pastor of Georgetown M. E. Circurt.

Owing to a scarcity of houses in Georgetown, some of the residents, who have been given notice by their landlords to move. will have to go to other towns. Bids are being asked for the construetion of the concrete street through Georgetown by the State Highway Department. The letting will take place at Dover on October 27. Also for the construction of an improved highway from Laurel to Asbury M.

E. Church, between Georgetown and Laurel, a distance of 6.57 miles. DEATH OF MRS. NELLIE MARTIN. Middletown, Oct.

Nellie H. Martin, 36 years old, died at her home here yesterday. Funeral services will be held at the residence of her sister, Mrs. William K. L.

Tatman, on Wednesday. Mrs. Martin is survived by her mother, Mrs. Linda W. Price, also ply two daughters, Linda and Corinne Martin, and one sister and three brothers.

FIREMEN'S CARNIVAL SUCCESSFUL. Milford, Oct. annual carnival of the Carlisle Fire Co. of this town was brought to a successful close, Saturday evening. More than 900 automobiles, carrying several thousand persons were counted parked on the various streets leading to the carnival grounds during the evening.

The fnancial receipts have not been counted yet, but as the entire expense of the carnival was met by the receipts of the first three nights, it is expected a large sum will be realized. to be expended to the local fire company in first-class condition. NEWS OF MILFORD. Milford. Oct.

D. Prince, a former resident of Milford and now in the employ of the Equitable Trust Wilmington, was a week-end visitor here. Miss Mabel Farrah of Philadelphia spent the week-end here with her sister, Mrs. Charles L. Kichline.

James H. Hallett, who conducts a butcher shop at Ocean City, during the summer months, has closed his shop there and returned to Milford for the winter. Rev. Henry M. Bunstein, pastor of First Presbyterian Church, was in Easton, most of last week, but returned in time to his pulpit here for the Sunday services.

LEWES PROPERTY SALES. Lewes, Oct. John M. Lank has sold her town house to W. E.

Graves and will move to her farm at end of the year. William Russell has sold his large brick Over-Worked Men The Strenuous Life We Are Living Uses Up Our Vitality Faster Than Nature Can Replace It. To overdo anything is harmful and 5f continued, will wear out the etrongest constitution. Overwork, worry, brain-tire, high living and gal elements blood and nerves dissipation waste, away the most vi-then disease sets in. At first there 5s general indisposition, poorappetite, indigestion, headache and weakness, the temper irritable, the spirits depressed and the poor, often ending in premature decline.

Chase's Blood and Nerve Tablets assist mature by building up your blood and nerve forces. They make new, rich, red blood, which gives strength to the entire system. Sold by Druggiste at 60 cents, Special, (Stronger, more Active 90 cents.) THE UNITED MEDICINE COMPANY 224 North Tala Street, Philadelphia, Pa. house to Mrs. A.

G. Raught of and has moved into the John Marshall on Front street, consideration $11.500. Painters, plumbers and paperhangers are occupancy of getting Mrs. the Raught house and ready her, the son, Roland. January Mr.

Russell will take possession of his large farm on Pilot Town bank, where he expects to erect a modern bungalow. Charles Lynch's new bungalow on South street, opposite Lewes high school, is nearing completion. THROUGH THE CANAL. Rainbow, the Rev. Delaware Oct.

Thioracht Collins of Philadelphia, passed through D. canal, today, en route to Havre de Grace, Md. The tug Lizzie M. Walker, with the barge Cecilia Mellvaine, loaded with sand from the Severn river, for Chester, passed through yesterday. The yacht Catharine from Annapolis, passed out yesterday for her home port, Wilmington.

The barge Alex. J. Gibson, loaded with fish scrap from Port Monmouth, N. which sprang a leak coming down the coast and had six feet of water in her hold 'on reaching Delaware City, was left here. She was pumped out and yesterday WAS towed up the river to the flats, where she will be temporarily repaired and then taken to Baltimore.

DELAWARE CITY NOTES. Delaware City, Oct. 4. Mrs. William Hildebrand has been picking, fine raspberries from her garden the past week.

Mr. and Mrs. William Givison, vesterday motored to Oxford, where they will remain a week. George MeLaney was severely cut on the head while playing football, yesterday. M.

P. Hines is spending a threeweeks' vacation with her sister, Mrs. George Schmidt, in Philadelphia. Miss Rachel Cleaver and her niece, Miss Bryan, are occupying 3 house vacated by Mr. Littrell, on Clinton street.

Sergeant Johnson, retired, left on Saturday for Baltimore. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fiman are spending a week here with his mother, Mrs. Fiman.

Mr. and Mrs. Allen Moody of Carney's Point, N. spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Frank Rhein. Peter Mulligan of Philadelphia is here for two weeks with his daughter, Mrs. Daniel O'Neill. Sergeant Clay, of Camp Dix, N. is here visiting family.

The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Schroeder was baptized in St. Paul's R. C.

Church, yesterday, the sponsors being Miss Margaret Davidson and Frank Schaefer. Mr. and Mrs. Frank, Dunham gave party, Saturday, honor of birthday, Francis, being the seventh anniversary of his birth. The fellowing were present: Emily and Arthur Cavileer, Fred Davidson.

Elizabeth, Elsie and William Isabella and Harold Moody, William Carey, Helen Dunham. Josephine Margaret Givison, Annie, Catharine and Augusta Netsch, Madaline and Elizabeth Husfelt. Sarah Butler, Isabella, Daniel and Louise Smith, Ida and George McIntosh. Edna Yearsley, Mrs. Young and Mrs.

Joseph Butler. Wallace Shook of Chester, spent the week- end here with his mother, Mrs. Lillian Shook. Manager Hall is organizing a baseball team to play the Roundheads for the championship of Delaware City. Mr.

and Mrs. Swan spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bendler, in New Castle. Four eagles have been hovering over Delaware City for the past week.

Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, Miss Mary Money and Mr. and Mrs. Blackburn of State Road motored to Philadelphis yesterday, where they were entertained by Miss Money's sister, Mrs.

Truitt. WORK IN FOREIGN FIELDS. Lewes, Oct. the first missionary meeting of the Presbyterian Church, held at the home of Captain Willard Collins. last week, Miss McQuowan, secretary of Synodical Society, Washington, D.

who is taking her vacation at Rehoboth Beach, gave a talk about the work done for young people in the Orient during the vears of service as missionary there. Mrs. Borden, who is spending some time at Lewes Beach (her husband being an officer on the Geodetic Survey boat Bache, surveying along Atlantic Coast), in Eugene Manning's cottage, gave an interesting talk on Persia. She was a teacher for. several years in that country.

The hostess, Mrs. Collins, served light refreshments. Mrs. Ed. Tunnell has been president of this missionary society for ten years, and since the death of Mrs.

T. C. Marshall is also treasurer. LEAVES SCHOOL TEACHING. Lewes, Oct.

4. -Miss Annie J. Rench of Lewes, the best woman teacher in lower Delaware, has resigned from the Lewes public school to give her undivided attention to her invalid sister, Miss Mary Elizabeth Rench, who has been a shut-in for ten years. Miss Annie has been a teacher since her sixteenth year. Her first school was in Georgetown.

She also taught in country schools in Sussex county and near Denton, Md. HARVEST HOME A SUCCESS. Newark. Oct. 8 successful week the Harvest Home Carnival under the auspices of the local New Century Club closed Saturday night.

The total profits were not announced, but the sum will be The contests were considerableoting spirited on closing night. Mary Thomas was voted most popular girl and was awarded the doll. Eleanor Roberts got second largest number of votes for the girls' prize. For the bovs, Pobbie Jones won the and Billy Tierney was second. The popularity contest for young men and women resulted in Miss Mary Houston wining the fancy bag and Eugene Stiltz the fountain pen.

STRUCK BY TRAIN AND KILLED. Newark, Oct. McCutcheon, aged about 50 years, was struck and killed by an east-bound train on the Baltimore Ohio Railroad, near Harmony station Saturday nigbt or early yesterday morning. He worked in a section ganz on the railroad and lived at the commissary at Harmony station. Fellow-workmen who lived at the commissary with him say he had a wife In Philadelphia, living on Moore street near Fifteenth.

The body evidently was dragged some distance down the track and was horribly mangled. No one saw the accident. FINE DISPLAY OF DAHLIAS. Dover. Oct.

-During the dahlia show which closed Saturday night, specimens of some of the choicest dahlias ever seen were on exhibition and were viewed hundreds of persons. hero, Some of the rarest displays were, by L. D. G. and Wilbur Smith, former Dover boys, one now residing in Collingwood, N.

and the other at Norwood, Pa. NEWS MIDDLETOWN. Middletown, Oct. Robert Gabriel entertained at Saturday afternoon, in honor of mother Mrs. F.

H. Shank of Swarthmore, Pa. Her guests were Mrs. Edward M. Vaughan, Mrs.

Ernest A. Truitt, Mrs. Walter Beaston, Mrs. Julia J. Jaquith, Mrs: J.

Allen Johnson, Mrs. Watson K. Bette and Mrs. Edward Records. Mr.

and Mrs. Richard M. Moore celebrated the fifteenth anniversary of their wedding, last Monday evening, from 8 to 11 o'clock. About eighty-five guests were present. Mr.

and Mrs. Moore received some beautiful gifts. Herman D. Conner of near Middletown has purchased the Buckingham arm nd complete equipment, four miles north of Newark, in Mill Creek hundred. The rm contains 136 acres, of which 12 are in saw timber and three in apple orchards.

There is a large stone house on the farm. Mr. Conner will take possession on March 1. WEDDINGS. BO3TWIC-ERLETT.

Richard R. Bostwic and Dora E. Erlett, both of Chester, were married at Union M. E. church parsonage last night by Rev.

Harvey W. Ewing. STINCHCOLMB-THOMPSON. The marriage of William R. Stinchcolmly of this Chestertown, city and Annie was E.

solemnized Thompon Septemberon 25 by. Rev. Harvey W. Ewing M. Church.

ELIASON NEW CASTLE PRICES ARE DECLINING BE CAREFUL! In many lines of merchandise price reductions are being offered. It is a welcome change. It is to be hoped that great benefit will result. But our word of caution is "watch the Don't be blinded by big headlines of unreasonable opportunities. Continue to weigh the value of the merchandise as well as the cost.

Some goods are not cheap at any price. We are selling lumber today at lower prices than a few months ago, in fact at much lower prices. But no lower than will allow us to furnish stock up to our standard and worthy of our unqualified guarantee of satisfaction. J.T. L.

E. ELIASON Inc. New Castle, Delaware COAL- -BUILDING MATERIALS- HARDWARE Brick- ter-Pipe-Paint Buy Quaranteed Products NEWS OF THE DAY AT NEW CASTLE Penn-Seaboard Steel Corporation Athletic Association Secures Headquarters. Special Correspondence of Every New Castle, Oct.4.- -The Penn Seaboard Steel 1 Corporation Athletic Association has appointed the following committee to nominate candidate for officers: R. T.

Dowd, Joseph Hampton and James MoDivitt. The election will be held next Tuesday "tho noon. The corporation has given association the old warehouse for an athletic hall. It will be renovated and used as a basket ball hall by the two teams first and second, for practice and games. Elmer Slack of near Churchman's Bridgo ran a 20 penny rusty wire nail through his foot last Wednesday.

Little attention was paid to the wound until Satwhen it festered and Dr. Dodd was called. Deputy Grand Sachem Wilhelmo will raise the chiefs elect of Seminole Tribe of Red Men this evening. Wallace Cannon, who has been ill for soveral says, is improving. Mr.

and Mrs. Matthew Waltz, are being congratulated on the birth of a daughter. Several planks on the Christiana bridge which had rotted, replaced by George Burris, yesterday, before they became a hinderance to traffic. Several young people of this city tended the dance given in the Auditorium, Wilmington, Saturday evening. The Women's Christian Temperance Union will meet at the home of Mrs.

Sarah Atkinson, on Third street, Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. There will be a meeting of the Immanuel A. A. tomorrow evening at 7.30 in the parish house. Officers will be elected and sports discussed.

Last week when the electric lights were turned off because of a storm, Mra. Geo. T. Tobin took some matches up stairs and laid them on the mantel. William Tobin, son of Mr.

and Mrs. Tobin, went upstairs, Sunday and struck one of the matches and set the bed on fire. Mr. Tobin ran upstairs and rolled the bed clothing in a bundle and threw it out the window. About $300 damage was done.

The Americanization classes, which did much good work here last winter, teaching the English language to foreigners, will resume next week. George Pinder, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. E.

Pinder, who has been ill, is improving. James B. Lancaster of Delaware street found a bunch of keys on Saturday. G. W.

Duncan also found a bunch of keys on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. William Moore and family returned home yesterday from 8 week's visit to relatives in Chester, Pa. Ira Duling spent, Saturday with his parenta, Mr.

and Mrs. James Duling, of West Grove, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. William Cricket of Philadelphia were week end visitors at the home of Mr.

and Mrs. John Cannon. Mr. and Mrs. William Artis were Sunday visitors with Mr.

and Mrs. Wil- liam Leach, Mrs. Frank P. McCallin and Mra. Andrew Lenior have returned home from Atlantic City.

James Toner of Wilmington was Sunday visitor with Owen, Sheridan. Miss Irene Truitt entertained Miss Betty Seward, of Wilmington, over the week-end. Motored from New York. Mrs. and Mrs.

G. D. Horton of Brooklyn, N. Mrs. Paul Landis of New York City and Mrs.

Charles White of Wilhamstown, W. motored from New York Saturday and are spending a few days with their sister and brother-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. William J. Bethringer, on upper Oak street. Evergreen Class Meeting.

The regular meeting of the Evergreen Sunday school class of Silverbrook M. E. church, taught by Mrs. E. W.

Jones, wil meet at the bome of Miss Ethel Hartman, 628 Bayard avenue, this evening The fall work will be talked er. (42:117 SIMMONS HARARE REPAIR. The Three-way Dependability of Atlantic Gasoline Gasoline! In the bright lexicon of use "dependability" is a grand old word. And with Atlantic it is a handle that fits three -on Service, on Quality, and on Performance. No matter where you are anywhere in the great states covered by The Atlantic Refining Company's vast distributing system--you can depend on being able to obtain Atlantic Gasoline.

For not far ahead, along the road you are traveling, there's sure to be a Red Pump or a sign which says Atlantic. That's service! No matter where you buy Atlantic, you can depend on getting a gasoline unequalled for purity, volatility and refinementfor scientific correctness driving power mileage. That's quality! And no matter where or when you use Atlantic, can you depend on its making good. For Atlantic has uniformity. And range.

It delivers to the utmost- operating in the rarified atmosphere of the mountains or in the heavy air of the lowlands. Simply see that your carburetor and Atlantic are properly introduced and they'll work together through thick and thinunder every altitude, temperature, humidity, speed and load condition. That's performance! AT ATLANTIC GASOLINE Puts Pep in Your Motor THE ATLANTIC REFINING COMPANY Casper Loses His Nerve. TOOTS AND CASPER Copyright 1916, King Features Syadicate.Ins. WHY DON'T P55-T: SONNY! Go TOOTS SENT ME OUT THEY HAVE WUXTRY IN THAT STORE AND SOITINLY! TO COMBINATION HER A SUIT SUT SOLTINLY! BUY HE' GET A LADIES SILK 15 DAT HAVEN'T THE CLERKS? POIPER! COMBINATION AND KEEP LIKE ANYTING NERVE! A THE BLUSHES SALAD, 9 HUH CD 22 COPTRIGNT.


The News Journal from Wilmington, Delaware (2024)
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